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Hati-Criminality: A national police officer and a security agent lynched Mirebalais

  • March 30, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 43

Mirebalais (Haiti), March 30, 2024 [AlterPresse] — The national police officer Ananel Alexandre, agent II assigned to the Motorized Intervention Brigade (Bim, and a security agent from the Provisional Electoral Council (Cep), Michelet Musca, two suspects arrested by the police in Mirebalais (Plateau department central, approximately 60 km northeast of Port-au-Prince), in the locality of Desvarieux (approximately 7 km east of Mirebalais, on the road to Lascahobas), were lynched by residents of the zone, on Friday March 29, 2024, informs the Haitian National Police (Pnh) in a note noted by the online agency AlterPresse.

Angry, local residents invaded the Mirebalais police station, where the two suspects were being held in custody, and then lynched them, reports the Pnh.

Two pistols with magazines filled with bullets, a box of 50 cartridges and seven telephones found in their possession, as well as the vehicle in which the two suspects were, were confiscated by the police.

More than 6 million 300 thousand gourdes (Editor’s note: US $ 1.00=+ 140.00 gourdes; 1 euro=144.00 gourdes; 1 Canadian dollar=99.00 gourdes; 1 Dominican peso=2.40 gourdes today) and 20 thousand American dollars were found in their suitcase at the time of their arrest, reports the Pnh.

This money should be used to buy on the border, at Belladère (central Plateau department, on the common border with Comendador, border town in the west of the Dominican Republic, which is the capital of the province of Elías Piña) , weapons and ammunition for armed gangs in Haiti, according to information available to the Pnh.

Tuesday November 8, 2022, Mildrenne Manessa Millien, wife of the vice-delegate of Belladère Yvanosky Joachin, was arrested, in possession of 22,160 cartridges (including 12,000 cartridges of caliber 7.62 mm and 10,160 cartridges of caliber 5.62 mm) – as well as 30,510.00 gourdes and 1,100 pesos – In his carby Dominican soldiers in Comendador, while she was heading towards Haiti via the El Carrizal border.

Three days later, on the night of Friday November 11, 2022, the national police arrested, in Morne à Cabris (north-east of Port-au-Prince), divisional police inspector Wakin Pierre (assigned to the National Palace), at the wheel of a white Toyota Land Cruiser vehicle, registered SE-00315, coming from Belladère. On board the searched vehicle, were found 4,000 cartridges of 5.56 mm caliber, 41 cartridges of 9 mm caliber, 3 Glock 9 mm pistol magazines, 1 9 mm caliber pistol, Glock 19 model, LML 879 series, 2 mobile phones as well as that a sum of 934,500.00 gourdes

No serious measures have been taken by national and international authorities to stem the illicit trafficking of firearms and ammunition in Haiti, where heavily armed gangs are reigning in terror.

Four main maritime and land routes, used for illicit flows of firearms and ammunition to Haiti, mainly from the United States of America, were identified in a report published in October 2023 by the United Nations Office united against drugs and crime (UNODC).

This October 2023 document “detailed how illicit weapons and ammunition, purchased in the United States of America, were transported to specific maritime ports in the Dominican Republic and then to Haiti, via land border crossings”, underlined the Executive Director of UNODC, the Egyptian Ghada Fathi Waly, during a session before the Security Council of the United Nations (UN), Thursday January 25, 2024.

According to this document, there are 11 informal or clandestine airstrips spread across Haiti.

The executive director of UNODC insisted on the urgency of strengthening Haitian border and customs control capacities, particularly along the Haitian-Dominican border as well as the maritime borders to deal with arms and drug trafficking. ammunition. [emb rc apr 30/03/2024 18:00]

Photo: Facebook page of the Haitian National Police (Pnh)