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Hati – FLASH: The United States Immigration Service increases processing fees

  • April 1, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 31

Haiti – FLASH: The United States immigration service increases processing fees
01/04/2024 06:14:36

The United States Immigration Service (USCIS) is increasing processing fees. These increases come into effect from Monday April 1, 2024:

This change implies a sometimes considerable increase in the costs of certain processes, which will have an impact on those who find themselves in the middle of immigration procedures

According to USCIS, the tariff review has been carried out after a year of exhaustive analysis, in response to the need to ensure the financial viability of the agency. “The current tariff regime is not sufficient to cover operating costs, including the expansion of humanitarian programs and meeting government salary requirements […] Unlike many other agencies, our operations are funded almost entirely by fee revenue. About 96% of our funding comes from filing fees and only 4% comes from Congressional appropriations.” Higher rates are needed to ensure operating costs are covered and to prevent delays from piling up in the future. »

Excerpts from the increases:
Naturalization to citizenship: from 640 USD to 740 USD +11%.
Status adjustment: from USD 1,140 to USD 1,440 +26%.
Application for a family member abroad: from 535 USD to 630 USD +26%
Application for a worker with non-immigrant status: from 320 USD to 780 USD +70%

Download the USCIS document on ALL rates for 2024 (PDF in English):

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