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National Easter Convention 2024: Call for the provisional Presidency ensured by a judge of the Court of Cassation in office before July 7, 2021

  • April 3, 2024
  • 10 Min
  • 17


In the year 2024, March 31, Easter Day;

Alarmed by the rapid deterioration of the general situation in the country since the heinous assassination of President Jovenel Moïse;

Disgusted by the suffering of the population, affected by acts of terrorism, famine, epidemics, and suffering from the absence of basic public services;

Conscious of the almost total collapse of the administrative, political and representative structures of State Powers;

Outraged by the unorthodox steps taken by CARICOM with certain Haitian sectors to impose on the Nation a Presidential Council of nine members to ensure the functions of the State;

Considering the public positions taken by the moral, religious, trade union, professional, peasant, cultural, sporting and political forces of the country and the diaspora, declaring not to associate themselves with the CARICOM initiative for the formation of a Presidential Council of nine members;

Considering that recourse to the Court of Cassation constitutes today the only viable, legal constitutional alternative capable of bringing together Haitian stakeholders towards a peaceful resolution of the crisis;

The undersigned, Haitian citizens, gathered in extraordinary assembly on this Easter Sunday, adopted by broad consensus the following NATIONAL CONVENTION:

A Judge of the Court of Cassation, regularly appointed before the presidential vacancy of July 2021, assumes the Provisional Presidency of the Republic and will be invested in his functions by the Judicial Power and the Ministerial Cabinet currently in office. The Provisional President of the Republic must guarantee the continuity of the State, enforce the laws of the Republic as well as the international conventions and treaties of which Haiti is a signatory. Within 48 hours of being sworn in, the Provisional President of the Republic, in consultation with Haitian stakeholders, appoints a consensus Prime Minister to form an inclusive Government of National Unity, with an Exception Ministerial Cabinet of Mission . Within 72 hours of its inauguration, the Government of the Republic adopts in the Council of Ministers a road map established with Haitian stakeholders to define the mission and duration of the transition, giving priority to security, adoption of urgent measures in favor of the most disadvantaged populations, and the strengthening of the State through institutional reforms with a view to holding credible general elections. The undersigned appeal to the patriotism of all, putting aside personal interests to save the Nation from imminent shipwreck. They ask the population to remain vigilant and mobilized to defend the constitution, a symbol of national sovereignty.

Finally, the undersigned ask international partners to commit concretely alongside the Haitian people and to support the new Haitian leaders resulting from the will of a large national majority to succeed in this refounding transition, guaranteeing the restoration of a STATE OF RIGHT.

This CONVENTION is adopted and will be notified to the Haitian stakeholders and the international community, to bring out its effects in accordance with the law.

For the monitoring of this Convention, the Military Association of Haiti, a century-old institution, apolitical and recognized as being of public utility, will constitute an Ad Hoc Secretariat of five members.

List of institutions and personalities who participated in today’s Extraordinary Assembly:


Order of Human Rights Defenders (ORDEDH): Me Darbenzky Gilbert Center for Analysis and Research in Citizen Education (CARIC): Ralph Bregard Laforêt Association of Authentic and Honest Youth (AJAH): Nicolson David Jean CEHAH : Kettly Excellent Federalist Party Congrès de Ouanaminthe Love for Haiti Movement National Coordination of Haitian Civil Society (CONASCH): Amary Joseph Noel Confederation of Haitians for Reconciliation (CHAR): Amary Joseph Noel Reflection on National Security and Defense (GRSDN) Haitian Americans United for Change : Yves Jean Patriotic Movement of Conscious Haitians (MPHC): Yves Jean Haiti-I-M’engage: Clairol Pierre Alexandre ASAO: Valeska Maurice Women’s Political Tribune: Marie Rebecca Guillaume Haiti According to Peasant Women and Families Frontier Women’s Group Haitian National Dominican Movement (MNDA): Prof. Amerigo Bernadel Haitian Americans United for Change : Clément Chrispin Democratic LOD: Jean Renel Senatus AyitiLegal (Collective of 65 political and citizen organizations) FND Political Bureau of the National Congress: Serge Jean Louis of GIDHA Philder Francky Circle Poto Mitan Haiti : Dr. Jean Palerme Mathurin FOS PEP LA: Marc Coulange Joseph & Jonas Legerme ASAO: Valeska Maurice AJAH: Me David Nicolson Jean COLLECTIVE DECEMBER 4: Jean-Robert Argant National Central of Haitian Workers (CNOHA): Dominique St-Eloi Co-Responsible for public relations of the CHAR: Me Jean Reno Decayette GREH: Himler Wednesday MOJES : Rudolphe Mathurin Kombit Haitian Organized Citizens (KOSAO): Sonel André Institut National d’Observation Haiti (INOHA) : Gamanuel Brutus Peasant Organization for the Development and Advancement of Léogâne (OPDAL): Joseph Resita Haiti Protestant Federation: Pastor Calixte Fleuridor Council of Protestant Bishops Haiti: Pierre Jean Gustave Anti-Corruption Union Brigade (BSAC): Sonson Dumé FONSOC – PROC 24: Charles Tardieu Louvreurian Force: Emmanuel Menard Right to Life: Johnny Cilneus SOLID : Evallière Beauplan Forum Sportif Haitien : Jean Kely Deismas Civil Society in Action: Daniella Jacques Haiti Solidarity Action Platform (PLASOH): Louis Anel ALAH: Reynold Georges National Civic Party: Prof. Edwidge Kernizan The Baton of Youth: Georges Duperval Haitian American Foundation : Mary Jacob Krisell Dr. Alix Monestime Coalition Nationale : Ven.Fritz Pierre Middle Block: Mr. Bernard Lahens National Movement for Democracy and Development: Widens Pierre Women for Development: Alourdes Pierre-Louis PERSONALITIES:

Jean Pierre Bailly, Jacinthe Armand Marie Claude Bayard, Jonas Legerme Marie-Andree Bellabe, Fabrice Joubert Joseph Lygens. Lemaire honors me JP Molton Michel, Jasmin Philidor Nody GUERRIER, Jean Claude Douyon Dr Jean Vilmond Hilaire For Authentication:

Directory of the Military Association


Ashley Laraque, Ex-Leopard, Res. FADH