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Geneva | NEHRO, 20th anniversary Speech by Dr Josu Renaud on the occasion of the opening of a forum on human rights

  • April 4, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 35

March 30, 2004 – March 30, 2024: already 20 years since NEHRO was founded to make a substantial and significant contribution to the defense of the rights of all those threatened by the destructive forces that obscure the song of hope, dignity and an unwavering desire to build a society of rights focused on the development of the Haitian man.

NEHRO represents this breath coming from the hearts of a few Haitians who, somewhat naively at the time, believed that the commitment and resolute will of some would be sufficient to redress the excesses and bring the authorities, among others, to engage in the construction and strengthening of a society resolutely oriented towards global progress. But that was without counting on these diehards of violence, corruption and brute force, who do everything to ensure that things do not change, do not improve and continue to manipulate to defend their clan or national interests. groups.

Today we are all plunged together into inhumanity, into the abyss, into horror, into this indescribable banality of human life.

NEHRO remembers, with gratitude, these men and women from Haiti and abroad who agreed to officially constitute it, help it grow and commit to protecting and defending it against predators human rights, still too numerous here as elsewhere.

Without means, devoid of diversified and substantial resources, we often had to dip into our own pockets, already almost empty, to work, monitor cases of rights violations, hire law firms to monitor cases, etc.

As president of this organization, I can admit to you that the fight was not easy, and still is not. The challenges we have had to overcome are commensurate with the challenges of the fight for rights.

In recent years, NEHRO has engaged in deep strategic reflection to better understand the meaning and direction of better operational action in favor of human rights education. The emphasis was thus placed on young people to help them become defenders of freedom, rights and to avoid this moral decay responsible for so many violations and the trivialization of rights in Haiti today.

The organization has thus initiated its rights training program in 2022 for very young children, who are likely to represent a breeding ground for all kinds of delinquency and abuse. Unfortunately, this rights education program for young people is limited to a few areas of the country due to lack of resources. The same goes for many other NEHRO actions and initiatives that could contribute to improving rights, solidarity and development.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am not unaware of the difficulties in operating a non-governmental organization for the defense of human rights and in being effective by having a critical mass of followers and members or by supporting all the victims of multiple cases of violations of their rights. However, I remain confident that courage, will and commitment to rights carry the values ​​that underpin hope for a better future for Haiti and its population.

The darkness is there, spreading across the entire country, degrading and disarming these still healthy layers of the population. But to paraphrase the precursor of Haitian Independence, Toussaint Louverture, the tree of freedom and respect for rights will grow back thanks to the still living, deep and numerous roots that NEHRO helped to sow.

Hope is there, and NEHRO is still firmly committed. Long live NEHRO, our rights organization, for the next 20 years.

Josué Renaud