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Analysis by Fred Lopold: Caricom and the Presidency 7 Tt A disguised trap?

  • April 21, 2024
  • 5
  • 17

Caricom imposes

The Haitian people find themselves at a critical crossroads in their political history. The initiative recently launched by Caricom to impose a Council of nine members, two of whom do not have the right to vote, to run the country, raises fundamental questions about democratic legitimacy and the future of governance in Haiti. .

The saying “vox populi, vox Dei” (the voice of the people is the voice of God) resonates deeply in this situation. However, the installation of this Council seems more to be an act of foreign force than the result of a genuine popular consultation. This calculated and carefully considered “ordered disorder” evokes complex and potentially opaque strategies that could eclipse the true interests and aspirations of the Haitian people.

We can legitimately wonder if there is something “fishy” in this matter. Is this a disguised trap, a clever political ruse, or simply an external intervention that could end up stifling the authentic voice of the Haitian people?

The reference to the biblical story of the Red Sea, where God delivers his people from oppressors, offers an interesting symbolic framework for thinking about this situation. As Moses said to the Hebrew people: “Fear not, but stand still, and see the deliverance which the Lord will give you in that day.” This raises questions about the possibility of a similar liberation for the Haitian people, in the face of overwhelming political and social challenges.

In considering this analogy, it is crucial to examine the current dynamics in Haiti. A certain majority tendency seems oriented towards immediate solutions to problems, which could be interpreted as an attempt to overcome a new obstacle, as recorded in the book of Exodus in verse 13. ” Moses answered the people: Do not be afraid, but stand still, and see the deliverance that the LORD will give you this day; for the Egyptians you see today you will never see again.«

However, it is essential to step back and assess the long-term implications of this intervention. How will this 9-member Council, with its members from different political parties, manage to effectively manage the country? What guarantees exist to ensure that the interests of the Haitian people will be truly represented and defended?

By analyzing these questions, a constructive and inclusive debate must absolutely be stimulated. Haitians must actively engage in defining their political and socio-economic future. Careful thinking is required to navigate these troubled waters and chart a course toward legitimate and accountable government that is truly rooted in the will and needs of the people.

Indeed, given a certain majority tendency, oriented towards the resolution of certain immediate problems, could we not believe in a repetition of the crossing of the Red Sea as reported in the book of Exodus in verse 13 of the chapter 14?

( To be continued )

Fred Leopold
[email protected]
929 405 8730