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This rare hormonal disease is responsible for weight gain in the stomach

  • April 22, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 39

We know that many factors influence weight gain. Among them, we find the hormonal disturbances that women particularly experience, particularly during puberty or the menopause. However, there are real hormonal diseases responsible for weight gain. This is the case of hypercortisolism, which is characterized by excess secretion of cortisol by the adrenal cortex glands.

Hypercortisolism is found in the syndrome de Cushing, a pathology marked by a significant and lasting excess of cortisol in the blood. As the MSD Manual explains, people with this syndrome typically develop excessive fat accumulation in the torso and have a puffy, rounded face and thinning skin.

In a video posted on the Instagram account @Pums (For better health), Professor of medicine and hospital practitioner at Paris Cité University and endocrinologist Boris Hansel returned to hypercortisolism.

Hypercorticisme : what is this rare disease responsible for weight gain in the stomach?

As Professor Boris Hansel explains in his video, one of his obese patients “almost had stomach surgery to lose weight, when in reality she had a hormonal disease that needed to be treated”. This rare disease, difficult to diagnose and very often responsible for weight gain, was none other than hypercortisolism. It is the cause of excessive manufacturing of cholesterol by the body according to the expert. “This leads to an accumulation of fat in the upper body, in the stomach, neck and face”, says Professor Boris Hansel. Symptoms which can also be associated with skin which becomes fragile with spontaneous bruising, red stretch marks as well as healing difficulties, underlines the specialist.

Concerning the patient mentioned by Professor Boris Hansel, she was treated for “this excess production of hormones and the result was spectacular, including very significant weight loss”, he explains. This is why it is important that a person suffering from obesity is always examined by a specialist doctor, in particular, before benefiting from stomach surgery to lose weight, concludes the doctor.

Additional sources:

  • Syndrome de Cushing – Manuel MSD
  • Adrenocorticotropic adenoma or Cushing’s disease – Hospices Civils de Lyon
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Oceane Letouze