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Press note/OHDLP: The highway settlers are in our mrs!

  • May 7, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 26

Port au Prince on May 7, 2025.-

The Observatory that after the visit of the American ambassador to the Ministries of Foreign Affairs in Haiti, it is the turn of the Spanish ambassador. France and England will then come to form the quadrilateral of the colonists. They resume the colony with the same slogan all by and for the metropolis of the settlers.

If in 1825 by a maritime blockade and the threat of bombardment under the presidency of Jean Pierre Boyer France obtained the amount of compensation which amounted to 150 Million Francs, For the freedom acquired at the price of blood. On July 28, 1915 “under the pretext of anarchy, disorder and chaos, the United States landed in Haiti. Results (Pillage, Massacre, environmental genocide distribution of the Haitian-Dominican Border)

On September 19, 1994, this time with the agreement of the United Nations Security Council, an international force of 25,000 soldiers headed by the United States landed in Haiti. Results (Privatization of public companies, Teleco, National Flour Mill, and National Cement Plant)

On February 29, 2004, President-elect Jean Bertrand Aristide was forced to leave the country aboard an American plane escorted by American army security personnel.

Results (“Made in USA” coup d’état “Santa Maria” Found after 500 years of disappearance in the sea of ​​Haiti”)

Today again and again in 2024, under the threat of gangs of all kinds armed by the Starry Republic to sow chaos and to justify a 4th Military intervention for the total exploitation of our resources, namely. (gold, silver, copper, bauxite, clay, Uranium, Iridium and oil. This country has been blocked since its Genesis by Westerners.

The Haitian Observatory for Press Law and Freedom OHDLP loudly expresses its regret, the country’s descent into hell is shared between the settlers and the traditional Haitian elites.

Lamarre Ulysse, Sociopolitical Analyst of OHDLP