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Crime: The police union Spnh-17 demands changes at the high command of the Haitian National Police

  • May 9, 2024
  • 7 Min
  • 31

P-au-P, 09 from 2024 [AlterPresse] — The Haitian National Police Union (Spnh-17) asks the new leaders of the transition to make, urgently, changes to the high command of the Haitian National Police (Pnh) and to the departmental directorates , in a note read by the online agency AlterPresse.

These changes should make it possible to organize operations in the strongholds of armed gangs, to recover stolen equipment from the police institution.

No action has been taken so far to recover a Pnh armored vehicle, taken by armed bandits from the Ti Bwaheaded by Christ-Roi Chéry alias Krisladuring an attack perpetrated on October 12, 2022 against a Pnh base in Martissant 23, recalls Spnh-17.

Several other Pnh equipment was also stolen, reports the national police union.

The armored vehicle, stolen by Krisla’s gang, would be responsible for the shooting perpetrated, on the afternoon of Tuesday May 7, 2024, around Martissant (southern outskirts of Port-au-Prince), against a minibus providing the journey Carrefour/Port-au-Prince, denounces the Haitian National Police Union.

This armed attack, on Tuesday May 7, 2024, caused four dead by gunfire and several others injured in the Martissant area, still under the control of armed gangs since June 1, 2021.

The armed attack on this public transport vehicle would have been orchestrated by an armored tank, according to the version of the president of the Association of Owners and Drivers of Haiti (Apch), Méhu Changeux, who declares not knowing if the armored vehicle was occupied by agents of the Haitian National Police (Pnh) or bandits.

Contacted by AlterPresse/AlterRadio, the spokesperson for the Pnh, Garry Desrosiers, is not yet able to provide an official version of what happened on the afternoon of May 7, 2024 in Martissant.

In November 2023, The Association of Owners and Drivers of Haiti (Apch) spoke out against the continual imposition, with complete impunity, for several years, by armed gangs, of rights of passage in Haiti, particularly in the metropolitan area of ​​the capital, Port-au-Prince, in full view of state authoritiesin an interview given to the AlterPresse/AlterRadio platform.

Public transport drivers are experiencing difficult times, being ransomed daily by these armed bandits on the national roads leading to the departments of the Great South and the Great North, the Apch had criticized.

Agents of the Haitian National Police (Pnh) would claim between 2,500.00 gourdes and 1,000.00 US dollars (Editor’s note: US $ 1.00=+ 160.00 gourdes; 1 Dominican peso=2.70 gourdes in December 2022) as payment to escort, aid armored vehicles of the said institution, citizens as well as convoys in certain areas deemed dangeroushad also denounced the National Network for the Defense of Human Rights (Rnddh), in a correspondence addressed in December 2022 to the Chief Inspector General of the National Police of Haiti (IgPnh), Fritz Saint-Fort.

“The right to board the armored vehicle is purchased (between) two thousand five hundred (2,500.00) gourdes at least five hundred (500.00) American dollars. This price variation is based on the status of the person purchasing the service, from a simple citizen to an entrepreneur.

Furthermore, the Spnh-17 evokes maneuvers, which would aim to maintain in their posts crooked, corrupt police officials and accomplices of armed gangs.

It condemns the rape of numerous women and girls, the assassination of many people, including national police officers, and the forced displacement of thousands of other people, who are fleeing the terror and violence of armed gangs in different neighborhoods, particularly in the metropolitan area of ​​the capital, Port-au-Prince.

On April 24, 2022, members of the federation of criminals, called G-9 is family and alliesboarded several vehicles, including one (1) armored Pnh assigned to the service of the Departmental Unit for the Maintenance of Order (Udmo), had lent a hand to the base of the Chen Mechanduring the carnage perpetrated at the Plaine du Cul-de-Sacdenounced the National Network for the Defense of Human Rights (Rnddh), in a report dated June 27, 2022.

191 people were murdered, including 107 men, 76 women, 6 girls and 2 boys. At least 18 women were raped during violent clashes which broke out from April 24 to May 6, 2022, between armed gangs of 400 Marozo et Chen Mechanthen reported Rnddh.

“17 of them were subsequently executed. At least 81 houses and 57 vehicles were burned. Many people were injured by bullets or knives and 158 children were left orphans.” [emb rc apr 09/05/2024 11:00]