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The town of Gressier suffered an attack from armed bandits, the police station attacked

  • May 11, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 24

Residents are fleeing the town of Gressier because of gang violence.

Since nightfall on Friday May 10, Gressier, a peaceful town until then, has become the scene of armed violence. Armed bandits launched a series of attacks against the town, stormed the police station and set fire to vehicles. Automatic weapons fire is heard, residents trapped by this unprecedented violence call for help, a witness reported Juno7. Citizens have continued to send out SOS messages on social networks.

Indeed, the attack on a new police station, a symbol of public security, shows the ruthless audacity of criminals who will stop at nothing to sow terror and destruction. The flames of vehicles belonging to the police institution set on fire by the attackers light up the night, reminding us of the urgency of the situation and forcing residents to flee their homes since Friday evening until Saturday morning.

Preliminary reports from some citizens indicate houses reduced to ashes and many civilians targeted by thugs. The town’s once-bustling streets are now deserted, except for residents hurriedly fleeing to safer places, desperately seeking refuge from the chaos that has befallen their community.

Gressier faces a harsh reality: the persistent threat of insecurity and violence. Residents are left in limbo, wondering when and where the next act of terror will occur, and whether their community will ever be able to return to peace and security.

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