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Hati – FLASH: Gangs worried about the arrival of the multinational force

  • May 13, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 30

Haiti – FLASH: Gangs worried about the arrival of the multinational force
13/05/2024 09:41:48

The “Vivre Ensemble” Association bringing together the gang coalitions “G9” and “G Pèp, led by Jimmy Cherisier alias “Barbecue” has been organizing demonstrations since then against the upcoming arrival of the Multinational Mission to Support the National Police of Haiti (PNH) approved by the Security Council with a view to restoring security in Haiti -a-multinational-force-in-haiti.html

The Carrefour gangs, who control the commune, force the local population under threat to demonstrate with them…

During these demonstrations, armed and hooded men uttered hostile slogans towards the international community, vigorously rejecting any external intervention which is the signal for them of the beginning of the end of their influence over the territories and the population.

In the midst of these demonstrations, gang leaders put pressure on their members not to flee to the provinces before the arrival of international forces. Members visibly divided and who fear having to face experienced soldiers and well-trained and poorly equipped elite police troops.

TB/ HaitiFree

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