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Haiti – FLASH: 3 American Democratic deputies propose a 50 billion plan to rebuild Haiti

  • May 20, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 18

Haiti – FLASH: 3 American Democratic deputies propose a 50 billion plan to rebuild Haiti
20/05/2024 09:30:16

American Democratic deputies Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick, Jan Schakowsky and Yvette Clarke presented, Friday May 17, 2024 on the eve of the celebration of the 221st anniversary of the Haitian flag, a resolution named “Louverture investment plan”, which is a program of development of $50 billion over 10 years aimed at rebuilding Haiti.

In summary, this plan should make it possible to:

(A) Support the restoration of democratic governance through free and fair elections, strengthening the rule of law and strengthening the capacity of Haitian security forces, including a program of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of young people formerly involved in gangs.

(B) Invest in rebuilding and modernizing Haiti’s physical infrastructure, including health care, roads, bridges, ports, power grids, and water and sanitation systems.

(C) Promote sustainable economic development through agricultural modernization and food security.

(D) Support small businesses and entrepreneurs, particularly small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, women and young people;

(E) Improve access to quality health care, education and social services to meet Haiti’s acute humanitarian needs.

(F) Improve Haiti’s resilience to natural disasters through better disaster planning, environmental conservation and climate change adaptation measures;

(G) Encourage regional integration and greater economic cooperation between Haiti, the United States, and other Caribbean countries.

Download the text of the resolution (English PDF):

Vignette photo (from left to right) : Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick, Jan Schakowsky et Yvette Clarke.

S/ HL/ HaïtiLibre

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Posted on 05/20/2024 10:20:24
(H) Overhaul the corrupt justice system (I) Protect private property (J) Repeal the ANARSE anti-business law (K) Clean up the EDH company which is destroying the country (L) Protect local businesses of the effects of smuggling (M) Control uncontrolled urban planning which pollutes water sources, and diminishes agricultural areas (N) Purify the national police of doubtful elements (O) Remove racist tendencies and opinions which exist all day long are spread on social networks. This country is sick, envy, the lure of easy gain, idleness, violence,…
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