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Association FEL Carabes | Poem to return to Haiti

  • May 21, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 23

Poem for peace to return

The FEL Caraibes Association mobilized a youth rally on Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Collège Saint – François d’Assise for a poetry workshop on the theme of “Peace”. On
directed by the poet Iléus Papillon, this workshop resulted in several productions
a collective poem in which the youth make themselves heard of the pain that eats them to the depths of their souls
because of insecurity and “fear covering the country”. This initiative is part of a series
FEL Caraibes activities are carried out as part of the PBF project – Infranstructure de paix »
avèk soutyen Ministry of Culture and Communication, High Commission
des Nations – Unies, on the coordination of Thames. We invite you to live each poem
these collectives word after word, sentence after sentence…

I- Lespwa

We dream of sleeping outside
A thousand laughs spilled over life
I heard the voice of a child rotting
The smoke of the burning houses fills the heart of space
We must crumple in the dark
Hope stands smiling
You are looking at me yet you are my shadow
We call the star that brings peace to the heart
I would be happy with the sunrise of Kafouféy
We do not need perfect peace
Oh! I miss your peace
I miss you

Knock on the door of my country
Quiet fly without wings
Blood is shed in the eyes of life
Tomorrow sleep outside
White will not come and do anything
to curb the fear that covers my country

2- Truly

Tears flow from eyes like dust
Port-au-Prince is a city of corpses
School closed the phone line
The voice of birds does not sing of happiness
Marigolds lose leaves under bullets
My calmness, my emotions
Find source in my life
My heart is filled with tears
In the dream of going back to the country it rains
This little people suffered too much
The poems cry

III- Kafou

If I tell you there is no more Crossroads, you may be crazy
I love the woman who has no country
Peace is our dream every day
We cry into handkerchiefs
Downtown eats garbage
Peace return my dear
Bandi put us in hot
The sky pours water on the land
O Desalin where you are
Sa san not
Fear makes me fear the barrier of fear
O peace come no
My sores are full

Authors: Evenson Junior, Gabrielle, Télusma Woodmika, Marcus Wenly, Yvonie
Anelion, Catherine Luka, Estor Christophe, Compère Jackson, Jean Ricart
Bontemps, Rosemond Jean – Baptiste, Lazard Jude, Stevenson Fleurimond,
Tchessy Jean.