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Deployment of the MMSS: mixed reactions among Haitian citizens

  • May 23, 2024
  • 7 Min
  • 21

Deployment of the MMSS: hope and controversies among Haitian citizens.

The situation in Haiti is about to experience a major turning point with the imminent arrival of a multinational force intended to assist the Haitian National Police (PNH) in the fight against armed gangs. These criminal groups, responsible for the terror that reigns in many working-class neighborhoods, particularly in the capital where they control around 80% of the territory, have pushed the authorities to call for international intervention.

Mixed reactions among the population

Juno7 collected the opinions of several Haitian citizens on this international intervention. For many, the arrival of this force represents a long-awaited “breath of fresh air”. They hope that foreign support will help restore peace and security in areas plagued by violence. This opinion is particularly shared by residents of working-class neighborhoods, regularly terrorized by armed gangs.

“I support the arrival of this foreign force. In the current situation in the country, armed gangs control the territory and terrorize the inhabitants of working-class neighborhoods. The national police are powerless. How can we refuse the intervention of this multinational force? I have to be honest, the problem of insecurity will not be completely resolved, but we will see some improvements,” said a displaced person who previously lived in Bel-Air, a neighborhood controlled by gangs for several years.

However, other voices are more skeptical and propose a different approach. Some citizens believe that the huge sums of money spent to bring in a foreign force could be better invested in strengthening and equipping the PNH. They suggest that the long-term solution lies in the ability of local police to confront and dismantle these gangs independently.

A thirty-year-old resident of Nazon expresses his skepticism about the impact of the upcoming multinational force on improving the situation. He recalls that past foreign interventions, such as MINUSTAH, have not brought positive change and have even worsened the security situation in the country. He believes in the capacity of national police officers and soldiers and believes that it would be enough to invest in their training and equipment to strengthen their skills. According to him, the arrival of this new force will not bring anything beneficial in the long term for the country.

Essential coordination for a successful mission

The Transitional Presidential Council, in collaboration with the High Command of the PNH, held on Tuesday May 21, 2024 a working session dedicated to preparations for the deployment of this Multinational Security Support Mission. It was made clear that the composition, objectives, rules of engagement and health monitoring of the troops will be carefully coordinated and supervised by the Haitian police authorities.

The working session of the Presidential Transitional Council with the PNH High Command highlighted the need for close coordination to guarantee the success of this mission. Collaboration between international forces and the Haitian police will be crucial to achieve the objectives set, in particular the securing of areas under gang control and the protection of civilians.

Managing rules of engagement and health control measures for foreign troops is of particular importance in this context. Indeed, ensuring discipline and cooperation between the different military and police entities will be a major challenge but necessary for the credibility and effectiveness of the operation.

Furthermore, according to an American official cited by the Miami Herald, a delay in the acquisition of armored vehicles and helicopters for medical evacuations could postpone the deployment of the Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti to the beginning of the month of June. This deployment was initially scheduled for May 23, according to foreign media, including the New York Times.

In the meantime, the population, tired of gang violence, hopes to see a rapid improvement in the security situation. However, the question of investment in the national police raises important debates on the sustainability of the solutions provided.

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