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Hati – FLASH: Hurricanes and gang violence increase the risk of famine for Haitian children

  • May 24, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 18

Haiti – FLASH: Hurricanes and gang violence increase the risk of famine for Haitian children
24/05/2024 10:10:56

Nearly 5 million people in Haiti, half of whom are children, face acute hunger and struggle every day to feed themselves -64-million-Haitians-in-acute-food-insecurity-emergency.html as hurricane season begins above normal is getting closer and the population is facing continued daily violence, warns the international humanitarian organization, World Vision.

Latin America and the Caribbean are less than two weeks away from a hurricane season (June to November 2024) predicted to be unusually active -predicts-above-normal-hurricane-season.html Climate disruption, exacerbated by La Niña and extremely hot Atlantic Ocean temperatures, could seriously affect Haiti, an already climate-vulnerable country .

The predicted impacts of the hurricane season, including landslides, flooding and increased erosion of intensely deforested lands, threaten 1.64 million Haitians who are already facing severe levels of emergency acute food insecurity according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

“Thousands of residents of Port-au-Prince and Cité Soleil, already experiencing prolonged gang violence and extreme poverty, are forcibly displaced to rural areas such as La Gonâve and Le Grand Anse, where Access to food and water is extremely limited,” explained Lesly Michaud, World Vision Country Program Director in Haiti.

An estimated 400,000 people in Haiti have been forcibly displaced due to violence and have limited access to food, water and medicine.

The imminent arrival of hurricane season significantly increases the risk of starvation for children and their families already in emergency situations.

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