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The police officers usually present in the streets of Narirobi will not be those who will be deployed in Haiti, maintains the Kenyan Minister of Defense

  • May 30, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 17

Adan Duale is therefore confident in the police mission in Haiti, reports the Kenyan newspaper We are after an interview with the minister.

Thursday May 30, 2024 ((–

Defense Cabinet Secretary (CS) Aden Duale expressed confidence in the Kenyan police peacekeeping mission in Haiti.

Speaking in an interview on Wednesday, May 29, Duale said Kenyan police will send a special unit to Haiti.

He recalled that Kenya had successfully carried out peacekeeping missions in Somalia, Kosovo and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
“We are going to Haiti; within the police we have special teams that can deal with different scenarios. The General Service Unit (GSU), Public Protection Unit (PPU) and other highly trained officers are doing excellent work within our borders. This is not normal policing on the streets of Nairobi,” Mr Duale explained.

Asked about the nature of the gangs plaguing Haiti, he said Kenyans should be patient and see what the Kenyan police can do.

“I don’t understand why you can’t wait and see what Haiti will be like when we get there. We have men and women who can bring peace and security not only to our country, but also when called upon.”

Why Duale is confident in the peace mission in Haiti

According to him, Haiti is more like an African nation and Kenyan police officers are already familiar with the environment.

“Kenya has a very long history of stabilizing and pacifying war-torn countries. Haiti is like an African nation. Because of our reputation, notoriety and capabilities, the international community asked us to lead the multinational team responsible for stabilizing Haiti,” said Mr. Duale.

Thanks to the reinforcement of the Kenyan team by the US Department of Defense, Mr. Duale said the women and children of Haiti would return to their daily lives.

“The US Department of Defense will provide logistics, communications center, intelligence sharing and collection. We don’t walk into a dark room; we know what we are doing,” added Mr. Duale.
Why the police deployment in Haiti was delayed
On Monday, May 27, Kenyan security personnel who had gone to assess the situation in Haiti will be sent back to the country due to logistical problems.

A senior officer revealed that the bases from which the officers were to operate were not fully constructed.

President William Ruto announced the postponement, stressing the need for sufficient preparation before officers embark on the mission.