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Former Minister Paul Gustave Magloire: Open letter to Prime Minister Garry Conille

  • June 4, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 20

M. Garry Conille

Prime Minister of the Republic of Haiti.

Welcome Villa, Port-Au-Prince.

June 4, 2024

Son Excellence,

I want to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your appointment as new Prime Minister by the Presidential Council, during this difficult period of transition.

Based on your professional background, I say that the choice of a man of your stature is right and timely for the position. As such, I wish you every success in the difficult tasks that await you.

Among these many challenges, the security of the country is paramount. And this is the task most awaited by the hundreds of thousands of members of the population, who were martyred by the gangs and all those, tired of war, who had to flee their usual homes and become homeless . The restoration of security in Port-au-Prince and throughout the territory is the barometer that will be used by the population to evaluate the work that you have accomplished.

However, as you tackle this immense security challenge, I would like to emphasize the need to avoid the imminent peril, in which gangs will use children as human barricades. In addition, there are tens of thousands of these children, according to UNICEF, who have joined gangs. These are children who need help re-entering society, to develop the skills needed to become productive adults. This reintegration process should be considered in a special way within the framework of the Deconcentration of Port-au-Prince as well as in the process of development and modernization of provincial cities. It is time, finally, for children to become the center of attention in our society. Children, in the country in general, have been greatly affected by the general decline of our society, mainly due to the level of insecurity. Several million of them do not go to school. The special attention they need must neither be neglected nor delayed by political considerations.

Please forgive my audacity on this subject of great importance to me, and I believe also to the nation as a whole, because children and young people are inevitably called to be the resources of the future, on which the well-being will depend of our country. The fact that I mention it is simply an expression of my passion for their cause.

Mr Prime Minister, I wish you a lot of success. I have no doubt that your hard work and your competence will allow our society in general to regain hope for a Haiti where life will be good for all of us. On behalf of everyone with whom I have had the honor of collaborating on this subject, we wish you great success!


Raphael Paul Gustave Magloire

God bless Haiti!

NB: The Haitian Citizen Protection Office recalls the legal obligation of the State to take care of displaced people, victims of armed gang violence.