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Three Russian ships and a nuclear submarine will visit Cuba between June 12 and 17

  • June 6, 2024
  • 2 Min
  • 20

A Russian naval detachment consisting of three ships and a nuclear submarine will visit Cuba between June 12 and 17, 2024.

This Thursday, June 6, 2024, the Cuban government confirmed that a Russian naval detachment composed of three ships and a nuclear submarine will visit the port of Havana between June 12 and 17, 2024.

In this statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs clarified that this visit is part of the historic friendly relations between Cuba and the Russian Federation and that it is strictly in accordance with international regulations signed by Havana.

Contrary to reports recently published by American sources, which indicated that Russian ships were heading to the Caribbean Sea to participate in maneuvers and that they could stop at ports in Cuba and Venezuela, the Cuban government clarified that none of the ships are carrying nuclear weapons and that their stopover poses no threat to the region.

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