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The Montana Agreement denies having designated a minister and requires the CPT to respect the Agreement of April 3

  • June 9, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 22

The Montana Agreement Monitoring Office asks the CPT to comply with the provisions of the April 3 Agreement

In a note dated June 7, the Montana Agreement Monitoring Office (BSA) reiterates its request to the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT) for the publication of the April 3 Agreement signed between the stakeholders of the political transition.

The “BSA” notes that the Agreement of April 3 is the compass which must guide the population and allow them to know what the CPT has in store for them and calls for compliance with all the provisions of the said Agreement, in particular articles 51 and 52 which require members of the CPT to complete their file within 30 days.

The “BSA” notes that, six weeks after its installation, the CPT did not take the path of respecting the Agreement of April 3 when, in close collaboration with the failing members of the government of Ariel Henry, it published in newspaper “Le Moniteur” a decree in which he took care to remove any reference to the Agreement of April 3.

The BSA also informs that it did not participate in the discussions for the choice of representatives of the stakeholders of the April 3 Agreement in the new government.

The BSA note is initialed by Magali Comeau Denis, Jacques Ted Saint Dic, Ernst Mathurin, Ginette Cherubin, Pierre Wilkens Cherisme and Marie Christine Stephenson.