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Dominican Republic: resurgence of acute respiratory infections due to viruses

  • June 11, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 12

Dominican Republic: rains and climate change cause an increase in respiratory viruses.

In a context where heavy rains and climate change are raging, the Dominican Republic is facing an alarming increase in acute respiratory infections, exacerbated by the presence of various viruses, including influenza and COVID-19Dominican media reported.

According to Plutarco Arias, former president of the Dominican Society of Pneumonia and Thoracic Surgery, cases of respiratory viruses, including rhinovirus and adenovirus, are increasing, putting a strain on the country’s health system.

Recurrence of symptoms is common, with some patients developing complications such as bronchitis or acute pneumonia, due to reduced immunity.

Arias emphasizes that nearly 20% of pulmonology consultations are linked to viral manifestations, with a notable increase in cases of pneumonia and exacerbation of asthma.

Climate change and the persistent presence of Sahara dust are identified as major triggering factors, acting in synergy with viruses to worsen the situation.

Health authorities have taken preventive measures, including requiring masks for those accompanying patients in hospitals, to contain the spread of infections.

However, the lack of awareness persists, as evidenced by the fact that many people present to health centers without protection, highlighting the need for increased awareness and more rigorous preventive measures.

The Dominican Republic, like many other countries, is facing a complex public health crisis, requiring a coordinated and effective response to protect the population against these viral threats.

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