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Audacity of the Montana group

  • June 12, 2024
  • 11 Min
  • 13
Jacques Ted Saint Dic and Magali Comeau-Denis of the Montana Accord with U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Brian Nichols (center).

The members of the Montana group or August 30 Agreement, in a resounding declaration made on June 7, 2024, undoubtedly wanted to redeem themselves, but they buried themselves further. It is always the final result that counts, especially when certain movements without decorum, without backbone, without principles indulge in playing on several tables at the same time to deceive the population.

In fact, they are so-called politically trained people, conveying very often organized ideas; but all the effectiveness of a theory is when it is one with a coherent practice. And that’s precisely where the problem lies!

We cannot both talk on the left and walk on the right and often even right and left at the same time to create confusion. It is not that they have the good will to do so, but their weak point is that they do not want to display their true and real political position. It is the capacity to scheme, which is so strong in them, that forces them to act in this way.

Since their advent on the political scene, where they presented a disruptive Haitian solution, they have never stopped collaborating with American imperialism which subsequently became one of their favorite partners in the fight against the regime of Jovenel Moise then that of Prime Minister Ariel Henry.

As they have never broken with imperialism and it is with this in mind that they were called to play a role within the Presidential Council set up by Washington via Caricom. They had indeed accepted the offer and also the rules of the game. They even corroborated it by making propaganda here and there to sell the imperial product.

To the great surprise, the coalition of August 30 or Montana Agreement, via the Agreement Monitoring Office (BSA) indicated in the note of June 7 that it did not take part in any discussion nor did it worked with no presidential advisor on the choice of a government representative. Even announcing that “ The BSA notes that the Presidential Council has conducted a process which does not correspond to what was planned in the agreement of April 3 with regard to the choice of a Prime Minister and the formation of a government, which should not be the result of negotiations and sharing of cake. By acting in this way, they perpetuate the traditional method which weakens future ministers, and which puts them in a position of right to demand the sharing of posts.

What is the BSA about? What is the significance of such a statement at a time when the Montana Accord has an authentic representative, an influential advisor within the Presidential Council in the person of Fritz Alphonse Jean who not only voted for Prime Minister Garry Conille and is stakeholder in all the negotiations that are being carried out to reassure the continuity of the corrupt State. What audacity !

According to Oxygène David, Montana never sought a Haitian solution. This was a lie that the leaders transmitted to the nation so that they could cohabit with their bosses, the American imperialists.

The BSA continues its denunciation by saying that “ They follow the traditional method of selecting personalities to lead the government and position themselves to demand their share of the pie., but what had changed to make Montana hope otherwise. When the minister designated at the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MENFP), and Ministry of Culture and Communication, the patented opportunist, Professor Antoine Augustin (Tenten) to be an integral part of the Washington government in Haiti, he is none other than another member of the Montana group attached to the private cabinet of Fritz Jean, since his election as president of Montana.

So where did your project go? Haitian solution ? Are you unaware that it is your project for a false Haitian solution without the people which is being implemented by imperialism? What the Montana group pretends to ignore is that imperialism, with which it has been collaborating for a long time, is the one in charge and not the Presidential Council.

The popular activist Oxygène David du Moleghaf said it well in an interview with Haiti Liberty in August 2022: “ The August 30 coalition or Montana Accord had a theory that said: “Let’s have a Haitian solution. » This never existed. He never sought a Haitian solution. This was a lie that the leaders transmitted to the nation so that they could cohabit with their bosses, the American imperialists. »

“Montana has only slowed down popular mobilization. They have a wait-and-see attitude, waiting for the US imperialists to give them the green light and facilitate the political change they want, which is ridiculous. Thus, the Montana Accord has only plunged the masses deeper into exclusion, poverty and misery. Oxygen concluded.

Furthermore, Fanmi Lavalas for its part remained consistent as always in its unpopular dishonest actions. Unlike the others, Lavalas applauds his next incumbent at the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications, the engineer Hosti Raphaël who will undoubtedly continue the work of his predecessor Rosemond Pradel of the Fusion of Haitian Social Democrats.

In the same vein, Phtk joins Montana’s bold position. When speaking on behalf of the Collectif 30 Janvier which would be in charge of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry / Tourism, Liné Balthazar himself indicated that: “We are not interested in appointing representatives in this government. We contest the method chosen to form the cabinet. This is a cake sharing between the councilors. This does not correspond to our vision” That’s not enough, he wanted to say!

What a delaying approach! If Montana and the January 30 Collective really had serious problems with the process in progress, they should as quickly as possible recall their representatives Fritz Alphonse Jean and Edgar Leblanc fils from their position on the Presidential Council, but that will never happen!

Leave us alone, you bunch of political kleptocrats!

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Marie Laurette Numa