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Practicing physical activity in this environment would maximize the benefits

  • June 14, 2024
  • 7 Min
  • 14

There are many reasons why it is recommended to practice regular physical activity. Indeed, the Health Insurance website points out that exercise is likely to improve the sleepto reduce cardiovascular risk, osteoporosisoverweight, fatigue, but also preserve mental health. This physical activity can translate into daily habits like walkingcycling, or even climbing stairs, but also by practicing various sports.

Whatever physical activity the World Health Organization recommends for an adult at least 150 to 300 minutes per week of moderate-intensity endurance activity and at least 75 to 150 minutes per week of sustained-intensity endurance activity. But where to get your weekly physical exercise? While many people prefer the framework of their home or a sports hall, we should not neglect the potential of outdoor spaces, which can offer numerous sporting opportunities.

Physical exercise: it would be more beneficial when practiced in green spaces

This is what observed a study published on May 11, 2024 in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicineby evaluating current scientific data regarding physical activity in natural environments. The scientists in this work were able to identify the factors influencing the frequency of visits to natural spaces, the amount of physical activity practiced in these environments and the benefits that users can derive from them.

At the end of their observations, the researchers believe that previous studies indeed suggest thatit is more beneficial to exercise outdoors, in a park or other green space, than indoors. “Research clearly shows that natural environments can be an effective way to promote physical activity because people generally enjoy being outdoors, and parks, trails, and community gardens are the most popular places”, detailed Jay Maddock, one of the authors of this work, in a press release.

Green spaces: why are they more attractive?

Why have scientific studies determined that green spaces could be more attractive for practicing physical activity? According to the scientists in this publication, natural places can be more attractive thanks to their physical characteristics such as community centers, playgrounds, lighting and clear signagebut also to their natural characteristics such as vegetation or the presence of bodies of water. Parks or gardens also host many activities such as group classes or festivals which contribute to their popularity. The researchers add that these environments are often perceived as welcoming and secure, while being linked with a strong sense of belonging to nature.

However, scientists note that this type of space is not accessible to everyone. “Parks and trails are particularly important because of their accessibility and wide availability, but access varies greatly by geographyand rural areas often have less access to natural spaces because they own more private land“, notes Jay Maddock in the press release. Certain groups of people may also have difficulty accessing these natural places: “children, the elderly and people with disabilities face difficulties accessing natural spaces”. According to the researchers, it is therefore necessary “ensuring these spaces are safe and easy to navigate, with appropriate programs”, in order to help increase the use of natural environments.

Outdoor physical activity: advice from scientists to encourage populations

The study scientists conclude that 4 options for healthcare professionals to encourage their patients to practice physical activity outdoors :

  • “prescribe” contact with nature to patients,
  • themselves adopt behaviors oriented towards the outside world and nature,
  • engage in community efforts that promote the use of outdoor spaces,
  • contribute to the creation and maintenance of parks and green spaces through funding.

Sources :

  • Physical Activity in Natural Settings: An Opportunity for Lifestyle Medicine – American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine – 11 mai 2024
  • Exercise in natural settings may provide more benefits than indoor exercise – MedicalXPress – 13 juin 2024
  • Physical and sporting activity: an essential asset for well-being –
  • Physical activity – World Health Organization
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Emilie Biechy-Tournade