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Flashback, August 27, 2019 | Michelangelo Gdon, after declaring that he wanted the head of the famous bandit Anel Joseph, was quickly replaced by Normil Rameau

  • June 15, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 13

The country’s descent into hell began on August 30, 2019 with the appointment of Normil Rameau as head of the PNH, despite the rush of Renand Hedouville “ki manje manje bliye” to greet this “warmed up bouyon”. The plan to destabilize the country, leading us to a new form of occupation that has not yet given its name, is well put together. The scandal will come from the one who started it.

Wednesday August 27, 2019 (( – One month after keeping his promise to capture the famous and dangerous Anel Joseph, gang leader of the Village de Dieu, the director general of the PNH, Michel-Ange Gédéon loses his position .

According to a confidence from DG Gédéon at Miami Hérald, it is the divisional commissioner Normil Rameau, from the 4th promotion of the PNH, who is temporarily taking the reins of the police institution, pending an official appointment which can only be made in the council of ministers of a legitimate government.

The former head of the DCPJ (Central Directorate of Judicial Police) was stationed in Washington when the government asked him to return home urgently to discuss the terms of replacing Michel-Ange Gédéon, whose mandate is coming to an end. due in two days.

Normil Rameau, who trained in Chile, is known in the country for having held various positions within the Haitian National Police (PNH), particularly in the Criminal Affairs Brigade, the General Inspectorate, the Executive management,

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Rezo Nodwes