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Garry Conille chairs his first CSPN meeting: priority to security and stability

  • June 22, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 12

Garry Conille chairs his first meeting of the Superior Council of the National Police (CSPN): priority to security and stability.

The Prime Minister, Dr Garry Conille, chaired, this Saturday June 22, 2024, his first meeting of the Superior Council of the National Police (CSPN). Among the participants were the Minister of Justice and Public Security, Me Carlos Hercule, the new acting director general of the PNH, Rameau Normil, as well as the chief inspector general of the PNH Fritz Saint Fort.

This meeting, of crucial importance, focused mainly on measures aimed at curbing insecurity, banditry and crime, and also to restore a climate of peace and stability in the country. Discussions also focused on the strategies needed to regain control of the entire national territory, particularly the metropolitan region of Port-au-Prince, in order to guarantee free movement.

Rameau Normil, with extensive experience in the field of public security, was appointed interim director general of the PNH, succeeding Frantz Elbé. His appointment, made official by a decree published in the official newspaper Le Moniteur, demonstrates the confidence placed in his leadership to meet current security challenges.

On Friday June 21, the Prime Minister Garry Conille, accompanied by the Minister of Justice and the president of the presidential transition council, Edgard Leblanc, proceeded with the installation of Rameau Normil. The ceremony took place in the presence of members of the diplomatic corps and executives of the police institution.

During his speech, Rameau Normil stressed the need to restore hope to the country, saying that the law must prevail to silence armed and criminal gangs. “The state must regain the monopoly on legal and legitimate violence,” he said, promising to end gang terror and restore security to the country.

Garry Conille chairs his first CSPN meeting: priority to security and stability

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