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Haitian news video: The criminal gangs must lay down their weapons with the help of the State authorities, there are ships and planes that bring drugs to the space of the gangs and the weapons, the money pressure is increased by Canada for the multinational

  • June 26, 2024
  • 8 Min
  • 6

Port-au-Prince, June 26, 2024 [AlterPresse] — The first group of Kenyan policemen, who will come on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, are ready to fight to regain control of Haiti’s territory, in every neighborhood, every house, every city. This is the promise of Prime Minister Garry Conille, when he visited, Wednesday, June 26, 2024, in Klèsin, also the international pre-airport of Port-au-Prince, where the first group of Kenyan police officers is established.

The population must remain vigilant, keep faith in what will be done. We welcome the commitment of the Kenyan government and people who stand with the country of Haiti. There are other elements that will come before long, to complement the multinational force of the national police and the army of Haiti, which never stops conducting operations on the ground to protect the lives and property of the population. This is what Conille said.

For security reasons, as we can understand, the transitional government will not say how many Kenyan policemen will arrive in Port-au-Prince on Tuesday, June 25, 2024. But we have 455 Haitian policemen and women who have joined the special units of the national police to deal squarely with gangs and guns. It is another statement of Garry Conille, who was together with the minister of justice Carlos Hercule and the general director for a long time of the police Rameau Normil.

Lay down the arms and recognize the authority of the State before all other dispositions. It is a warning, Garry Conille to the gangs with weapons, who are sowing terror on the national territory. Conille, who was accompanied by a representative of the Kenyan government, Dr. Monica Juma, was speaking in a meeting with the press on Tuesday, June 25, 2024.

On Wednesday, June 26, 2024, the government of Canada announced a budget of 5 million 700 thousand Canadian dollars, in addition to 80 million 500 thousand Canadian dollars, it will give to support the deployment of multinational forces to support security in Haiti.

It was in February 2024 that the government of Canada promised 80 million 500 thousand Canadian dollars. The government of Canada says it will continue to work with the governments of other countries, who promise to send police to challenge the national police to face the gangs with guns on the territory of Haiti. This is what the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Canada wrote in a press release on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.

We hope for good results without delay, to relieve the population that does not cease to be victims, for all activities to be resumed throughout the country, in order to create favorable conditions for elections. The Kenyan and Haitian police must respect human rights and avoid making the same mistakes that the multinational forces that were there before made in Haiti. It is the position of the Democratic Social Fusion political party. It is the ten political party Social Democratic Fusion, which supported the de facto regime of Ariel Henry, which did not produce results during the 33 months he had the political power of the country of Haiti.

There are ships and planes that bring drugs to the space gangs and weapons occupy on the territory of Haiti. It is a collection, for the period of 2014 to 2023, of the Organization of Citizens and Citizens for Another Haiti (Ocnh), on the eve of the International Day (June 26 each year) against drug abuse and trafficking.

The drug policy must stop in the fight against drug traffickers. Gun gangs don’t just use kidnapping to make money. Gun gangs have their own traffickers, who pass, buy and sell drugs for them. This is what is happening in the dedicated village, Port-au-Prince, which has become a place where drugs are landed from time to time. Lack of magistrate-judge in the justice system, to treat drug addicts. It is the consideration of citizen organizations and citizens for another Haiti, between 2014 and 2023 in the country of Haiti.

Magistrate-judges must have special training on drug cases. The capacity of the judiciary must be strengthened, to encourage investigation and proper prosecution of all drug cases. These are some of the recommendations of the Citizens and Citizens Organization for another Haiti (Ocnh).

There must be provisions to set up a national anti-corruption package. An information bank on drugs must be established, with the participation of human rights organizations and prosecutors. They must also be transparent about all drug shipments seized by the authorities. It is the recommendation of the Citizens and Citizens Organization for another Haiti, which makes public a summary of the drug problem in the country of Haiti, between 2014 and 2023.

On Wednesday, June 26, 2024, the US Coast Guard arrested at sea 87 men, 30 women and 3 children native to Haiti, found in a boat, Key West area of ​​Florida, United States. This is what the US newspaper Miami Herald reports. [ppsf emb rc apr 26/06/2024 14:29]