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Let us stop imperialism in its logic of imposture against Haiti!

  • June 26, 2024
  • 10 Min
  • 5

No offense to those who marvel at the announcement of the arrival of foreign troops, our duty within the newspaper Haiti Liberty is to warn the popular masses against the initiatives of the exploiting powers who, while hiding their guilt, constantly place the responsibility for their misfortunes and suffering on the people.

No illusion, in fact, is allowed about the fact that Western imperialism can renounce its work of destruction on its own. In other words, could the star eagle transform into a bird of good omen, carrying reassuring news to resolve or unblock the humiliating crisis of the Haitian people? Certainly not! But the traditional media, put in line and under orders, only rekindle this demagogic flame to please the enemy who prevents us from living in peace, who has destroyed our economy and thrown us into the doldrums of financial and financial insecurity. eating.

The working people must be wary of these bearers of good news, these hungry wolves who mask themselves as lambs, always ready to play the role of benefactors or mediators but in reality seek to lull our distrust and, moreover, to divert our attention from the fight that we must constantly engage to defend our homeland.

A historical reminder is necessary to better understand the scope and true significance of the current ordeal the country is going through. The American invasion and occupation of 1915 was the initial consequence of the collapse of the Haitian state. They have not solved a single one of our problems that they claimed to solve. On the contrary, they have made them worse to the point of constituting an extension of the situation of decomposition of state institutions and the impotence of Haiti’s political and economic elites.

It is June 23, 2004. Twenty years to the day later, American imperialism under the cover of the United Nations deployed, under the leadership of Brazil, the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) to take over control of any peacekeeping operation in the country. What was this for? To nothing. Otherwise, to venture into a criminal policy of excessive destabilization. For more than two hundred years, imperialism has held certain elements under the ashes in the form of more or less incandescent embers on which it can blow at the opportune moment to transform them into devastating fires. Immediately afterwards, he is the first to appear to pretend to put out the fire.

This is how we must understand the context in which this umpteenth deployment of foreign forces in Haiti is taking place. It is always they who concocted this date of June 25, 2024, as being the D-day of the landing in Haiti of a Kenyan military force, alongside several other puppet countries of imperialism including Benin, the Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Jamaica, Chad to name just a few from a UN-backed mission supposedly coming to stabilize Haiti which, according to them, has suffered from political instability for decades column that they themselves created.

Twenty years later, do not be surprised to hear the same speeches, since, we all know, imperialism is certainly not going to change either its policy or its vision of Haiti unless we manage to to rout.

In this case, all the acrobatics of the locked “phony” Presidential Council which cannot therefore decide on anything, put to orders, among others, by the tenant of the Prime Minister, as well as the puppet President of Kenya, Williams Ruto, all are not only small portmanteaus of the interests and methods of North American capitalism.

It is under the propaganda of alleged gang violence that imperialism hides the truth about the evils which cross a ruined country with its procession of terrible miseries inherited from imperialist colonial domination. We will never be able to put an end to armed gangs, as we wish only with repressive reactions, without investing in social projects, giving work to the masses and future prospects for Haitian youth.

This nightmare is far from over, to the extent that the moribund political class in unison has thrown all its weight and put all its resources into the battle to ensure the success of this American interventionist enterprise. She was complicit in this trap with the propaganda that the American government distils in the interest of the country. It is the liquidation of the Haitian nation and the struggle of the people that it seeks to precipitate and this should undoubtedly cause storms of mobilizations, protests and denunciations throughout the country.

All workers, self-respecting patriots, should instinctively reject this decaying system that this new regime hopes to restore. It is hardly Washington, nor the World Bank and the IMF, through the Presidential Council and Prime Minister Garry Conille who must give us lessons and impose their cosmetic reforms on us.

The evil is infinitely deep. There is no way out of underdevelopment and insecurity without overthrowing the dominant imperialist order in the country. Only the mobilization of millions of workers and young people, all united with their organizations, can prevent this regime in the pay of imperialism from going to the end of its logic of social destruction for the establishment of an unworthy state. devoid of sovereignty.

The vast majority of the oppressed people are sinking deeper and deeper into unspeakable distress. In this regard, the true liberation from imperialist domination, the eradication of violence, systemic poverty can only be the work of the working masses who are the only ones able to fight all the corrupt and political mercenaries in the pay of the big companies. powers. We must reverse the law of the strongest, the most powerful, which is imposed on the weakest. To avoid any free disposal of the destiny of the Haitian people in the hands of imperialist cliques, we must stop imperialism from going to the end of its imposture which consists of making Haiti a pariah state.

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Berthony Dupont