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This allergy medication diverted to gain weight for aesthetic purposes is now delivered only by prescription

  • June 27, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 8

It is not uncommon to see the use of drugs being diverted for uses that are not included in their therapeutic objectives. For example, the misuse of l’Ozempic has been talked about a lot in the media and on social networks in recent months. Indeed, this treatment for type 2 diabetes is increasingly used to lose weight. The National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) quantified this misuse at 1.4% at the end of 2023 in France and recalled that this medicine should only be used as for the treatment of type 2 diabetesbecause it is likely to lead to many side effects if taken for weight loss.

But Ozempic is not the only treatment whose misuse is touted on social networks, which forces health authorities to react. In a statement published on June 26, 2024, the ANSM pointed out misuse of cyproheptadine (or Periactin), normally used against allergic symptoms such as rhinitis, conjunctivitis or hives. Indeed, this medication would increase the appetite, which would explain its use to facilitate weight gain for aesthetic purposes, particularly around the buttocksto resemble international stars with “hourglass” silhouettes like Kim Kardashian or Nicki Minaj.

Periactin: what are the risks of misusing this medication for allergies?

Despite first alerts from the agency in 2022, the misuse of Periactin is still on the rise, popularized in particular on social networks as a quick and easy way to “grow your buttocks”. The ANSM has therefore taken measures to restrict access to cyproheptadine to people who do not need it. “In continuation of our actions in favor of the proper use of the drug and in order to prevent its diversion for weight gain for aesthetic purposes, we are changing the conditions of prescription and delivery of cyproheptadine (Periactin 4mg): from July 10, 2024, this medication will only be available by prescription”, announced the ANSM.

If the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products has taken this measure to regulate access to this treatment, it is because its misuse can cause adverse health effects. Indeed, the ANSM recalls that “cyproheptadine also presents several adverse effects, including central effects (decreased alertness, drowsiness) and anticholinergics (constipationvision disorder, palpitations…) which may be important in the context of this misuse”.

To avoid risks, the agency recommends that patients strictly respect the conditions of prescription of Periactin established by healthcare professionals. Furthermore, it also reminds them to properly inform patients about the risks associated with the use and the rules for proper use of this medication, when prescribing and dispensing it.

— ANSM (@ansm) June 27, 2024

Sources :

  • As of 07/10/2024, cyproheptadine (Periactin 4mg) will be available only on prescription – ANSM – June 26, 2024
  • Ozempic (semaglutide): a drug to be used only in the treatment of type 2 diabetes – ANSM – March 1, 2023
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Emilie Biechy-Tournade