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Horse training, a cultural heritage so cherished by Desdunes

  • June 17, 2024
  • 12 Min
  • 16

“Alongside the country dance and the baton pull, it is a precious heritage that history has left us,” explains a trainer and rider from Desdunes.

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The knowing glances of the man and the horse meet one last time.

“Come on ! One-two, one-two,” resounds the voice of the trainer seated on the back of the muscular beast, whose coat shines in the rising sun.

A cloud of dust follows the rhythm of the sweaty animal’s hooves as it performs.

This dressage sequence took place in May in Desdunes, in Artibonite, on land bordered by shrubs.

For Franck Zamor, houngan and horse trainer, this equestrian tradition dates back to the 19the century in Desdunes.

Maintaining it, for the Desdunian trainers and riders contacted by AyiboPost, is a way of honoring the memory of their grandparents, but also of earning money and taking care of their families.

“Alongside the country dance and the baton pull, it is a precious heritage that history has bequeathed to us,” says Zamor, 56, who also owns the oldest equestrian club still in operation in the commune: “Kavalye Ansanm Ki Vle”.

Franck Zamor, president of “Kavalye Ansanm Ki Vle”, the oldest equestrian club in the town of Desdunes, gives directions to his riders during a funeral parade in the town.

Created in 1958 by his father, this club, with a dozen members, proudly carries the flag throughout the country.

“Not all Desdunians are interested in joining a club,” emphasizes Zamor.

“However,” he continues, “many consider it essential to have their horses trained, which they use for entertainment purposes or for the happiness of their guests.”

At the Kavalye Ansanm Ki Vle club, training a horse costs between 15,000 and 20,000 gourdes.

The carnival parade, the funeral ceremony, the parades during the days of historical celebration, as well as their participation in festivals such as Carifesta in 2015, are some of the activities where they have stood out.

Parade of horsemen in Desdunes during a festive activity in the town. | © RJAD

“It was my grandfather who taught me dressage. I found it was important for him, so I continued,” explains Annys Marc, 60, rider and farmer.

“I enjoy riding a horse and the fact of having the impression that I can communicate with the animal makes it interesting,” Marc emphasizes to AyiboPost.

For this man, certain trained horses are inhabited by protective spirits.

It was my grandfather who taught me dressage. I found it important to him, so I continued.

Annys Marc, 60 years old

Berg-Henson, eighteen years old, carries out this activity because the passion was instilled in him by his older cousin.

For two years, the young man’s time has been divided between his studies and his great interest in horses.

An interest that politicians and other illustrious personalities seem to share with the Desdunians.

According to Franck Zamor, presidents Antoine Simon, Nord Alexis and René Préval got into the habit of summoning the skill of horses and the talent of Desdunian riders to make long journeys or to brighten up electoral campaigns.

Dressage requires the knowledge passed down from grandparents, but also an assortment of tools such as ropes, saddles, and packsaddles.

“A horse is suitable for dressage from its second year,” explains Zamor.

Rigaud Farot, a horse trainer in Desdunes, poses proudly with his horse.

Depending on the animal, the process can last three months or more.

Younger animals master movements faster than others.

To save time, the owner of “Kavalye Ansanm ki vle” relies on his long experience to anticipate the animal’s learning pace.

“I know how to read a horse’s footsteps,” he says.

According to Zamor’s categorization, there is the djong horse, the three cases and the natural.

They all have different training dispositions.

The bouyay, the jump and the installation are the three stages of dressage.

The most important being the first, because it is the one during which the animal is tested and prepared for the rest of the process.

The bouyay, the jump and the installation are the three stages of dressage.

The second being the phase of learning the movements, which can be dances or sequences of particular steps.

Finally, comes the final phase called installation.

After this last one, the horse performs the learned movements alone, once in situation.

Unlike ordinary horses, those who have followed this process have a special lifestyle.

The rest of their lives are spent between the stable and the shows.

Some, considered full members of their masters’ family, are buried with care at the end of their lives.

Desdunes is not the only place in Haiti with this equestrian practice.

Similar activities exist in other towns in the country such as Fonds-des-nègres and Petit-Goâve.

Read also: Pictures | Bullfights, a popular and lucrative tradition in Léogane

Alongside these equestrian traditions anchored in local culture, there is Olympic equestrianism in Haiti, managed by the Haitian Equestrian Federation since 1999.

In 2015, a development plan municipal had included dressage as an element to be valued in the local cultural heritage of Desdunes. According to this plan, Desdunes and its 2,000 horses could attract tourists.

The results did not live up to expectations, according to three horse trainers and riders who spoke to AyiboPost.

Mayor Fanord Pierre says he is making some efforts, but nevertheless admits that the municipal administration does not have sufficient resources to put in place infrastructure to preserve and promote this cultural heritage.

Parade of horsemen in Desdunes during a festive activity in the town. | © RJAD

The security situation in the Artibonite, the disinterest of younger generations, livestock theft and the increasingly excessive consumption of horse meat scare Franck Zamor and his team regarding the preservation of this tradition.

Read also: The consumption of horse meat is becoming popular in Haiti

The man says he has already lost at least two of his animals, stolen from his stable.

The Saint-Pierre patronal festival has remained the last great bulwark for horse riding in the region for several years.

In June, it attracts visitors from all walks of life who come to watch the parades where men in uniform perform breathtaking acts with their mounts.

“I would like this to continue to exist over time, but I am very worried,” Zamor told AyiboPost.

Par Wethzer Piercin

Cover image: Horse dressage parade in Desdunes during a festive activity in the town. | © RJAD

Watch this report from AyiboPost published in December 2021 on the practice of “tire-baton” in Haiti which is a form of Haitian martial art:

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Wethzer Piercin