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Haiti – Culture: 3 Haitian plays in the running for the RFI Theater Prize 2024

  • July 10, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 15

Haiti – Culture: 3 Haitian plays in the running for the 2024 RFI Theater Prize
10/07/2024 09:52:01

For 10 years, the RFI Theatre Prize has revealed a new generation of French-speaking authors. For this 11th edition, the reading committee of the Collectif À mots Découverts received 138 applications from 16 countries in Africa, the Indian Ocean, the Caribbean (excluding Overseas France), the Near and Middle East and the Maghreb.

The largest number of candidates comes from Cameroon, followed by Benin, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Haiti.

13 finalist texts (2024 Selection):

“Agoodjié” by Nathalie Hounvo Yekpe (Benin)

“Seed tree” by Djo Ngeleka (DRC)

“Asphalting” in Bokango by Yelinan Germain Oussou (Benin)

Brigitte in devilish mood by Erickson Jeudy aka “Rick from the island” (Haiti)
In 1790, in Saint-Domingue, a woman, Brigitte, a former freed slave banished from the plantations and now a midwife, is accused of the murders of several children. The colonial guards come to arrest her. As a freedwoman, she has the privilege of giving a speech before the sentence. Will she be able to justify her actions? A powerful and luminous text on the price of freedom.

“Corpses in the Lower Abdomen” by Jocelyn Danga (DRC)

“Child” by Gad Bensalem: (Madagascar)

“On the road” by Amadou Bouna Guazong (Cameroon)

“The Honor of Men” by Sandra Elong (Cameroon)

“Werewolf” by Gael Thêgoun Hounkpatin (Benin)

You don’t go to war with a dancing life. de Phanne Lincifort (Haiti)
A woman awaits her execution in prison, she killed her nine attackers and aborted the child of the rape. She summons, through voodoo ritual, this unborn child to get to know him and return to what led her to deny him life, as a final gesture of resistance to the horror. A harsh and powerful writing that unfolds the Haitian drama through the prism of women’s struggle.

Parsley by Melissa Beralus (Haiti)
As Anacaona prepares to go into exile in the Dominican Republic to flee the massacres perpetrated by gangs in Port-au-Prince and in the provincial towns of Haiti, her grandmother Tifi comes out of her silence and tells her about the Persil massacre (pérejil) that she experienced there in the neighboring country. Anacaona questions her right to live, to live well, to leave, to stay. A dialogue of great sensitivity that revisits the history of Haiti in an inspired language.

“Silence” from Israel NDR (DRC)

“Three Little Jumps” by Salimata Togora (Mali)

A jury of artists and professionals from the performing arts, chaired this year by the Franco-Congolese author Dieudonné Niangouna, will determine the winner from among the 13 selected texts.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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