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UPEPH demands special measures for candidates for official exams

  • July 10, 2024
  • 2 Min
  • 4

Thousands of candidates are preparing to take official exams starting July 22. However, a large number of students, especially those living in gang-controlled areas, have had to flee their homes to escape the violence. Faced with this alarming situation, the Union of Progressive Parents of Students of Haiti (UPEPH) is calling on education authorities to put in place special measures for these displaced students.

Nearly 77,000 basic grade 9 students and 42,680 NS4 students are registered for exams in the west this year. Many of them are now in displacement camps or safer areas due to persistent gang violence.

The UPEPH therefore sent a letter to the Minister of National Education, Antoine Augustin, to request the creation of special examination centres for these refugee students and the organisation of retake exams for high school graduates.

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