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New contingent of 200 Knyan police arrives in Haiti as part of MMSS

  • July 16, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 1

A new group of Kenyan police officers arrived in Haiti on Thursday to help with efforts to restore security.

A second contingent of 200 Kenyan police officers arrived in the country on Tuesday, July 16, 2024, aboard an Omni Air International aircraft. This reinforcement is in addition to the Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti, aimed at restoring peace and order in the country.

As a reminder, a first contingent of Kenyan police officers landed on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, on the tarmac of Toussaint Louverture International Airport. This first group, composed of 400 officers who arrived aboard a Kenya Airways plane, marks the beginning of a crucial mission. These police officers represent the vanguard of a multinational force intended to dismantle the armed criminal gangs operating in Haiti.

The Kenyan police officers deployed to Haiti come from several specialized units in Kenya: the Rapid Deployment Unit (RDU), the Anti Stock Theft Unit (ASTU), the General Service Unit (GSU) and the Border Patrol Unit. (BPU).

With the arrival of this new contingent, international efforts to stabilize Haiti and combat organized crime continue. Collaboration between the various Kenyan police units and Haitian local forces is crucial to achieving the objectives of this security mission.

Un nouveau contingent de 200 policiers kényans arrive en Haïti dans le cadre de la MMSS

Photo: Juno7

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