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The Minister of Health handed over ten vehicles to departmental health directors

  • July 20, 2024
  • 2 Min
  • 1

Ten vehicles are handed over to departmental health directors by the Minister of Public Health and Population, Doctor Georges Fils Brignol.

In the presence of members of his cabinet, central directors and some executives of the ministry, the Minister of Public Health and Population, Doctor Georges Fils Brignol, proceeded on Thursday, July 18, 2024, to the delivery of ten vehicles to the departmental health directors intended for the public hygiene service of the departments.

During this presentation, Minister Georges Fils Brignol emphasized the importance of the public hygiene service throughout the time when health officers visited markets, buildings, restaurants, health institutions to ensure compliance with and conformity to hygiene and sanitation standards of the various services offered to the population who then felt safe.

According to a note, this delivery of vehicles aims to revive these beautiful days of the hygiene service, because hygiene and sanitation must be a daily experience, and it is a matter of protecting the health of the Haitian population, stressed Dr. Brignol.

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