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Spending 10 minutes a day in this environment would be beneficial for mental health.

  • July 19, 2024
  • 7 Min
  • 1

Mental health issues affect a large part of the population. Fortunately, some simple and inexpensive habits could improve it according to scientists. We explain.

Behavior disorder, anxiety disorderor depression, one in eight people in the world are affected by mental disorders, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). While the treatment of these conditions most often involves a combination of psychotherapy and medications, according to the MSD Manual website, Some daily habits may also help relieve symptoms. This can be done through the food, physical activityor even the place of residence. Indeed, an American study published in January 2024 demonstrated in particular that living near green and blue spaces could benefit mental health of older people.

In order to explore further the link between exposure to nature and mental health, a study published on July 8, 2024 in the journal Ecopsychology reviewed 45 studies involving nearly 1,500 patients with diagnosed mental illness, conducted over 30 years, and concerning the social, mental and physical effects of exposure to nature.We know that Nature plays an important role in human healthbut health care and behavioral health providers often neglect to think about it as an intervention“, said Joanna Bettmann, one of the authors of the study, in a press release to explain the interest of this work.

Just 10 minutes in nature could have an impact on mental health, researchers say

At the end of the study, scientists observed that exposure to nature led to significant short-term improvements in mental health symptoms participants, regardless of the type of mental illness. They also noted that these effects seemed even more pronounced in patients with mood disorders, such as depression or bipolar disorder.

How much time should you spend in nature to benefit from its effects on mental health? According to the study’s researchers, 10 minutes would be the ideal duration, effective and easily applicable on a daily basis.Ten minutes in urban nature is much less intimidating, costly, and time-consuming for people who don’t have the time, resources, interest, community support, or equipment to venture into nature for days or weeks at a time.“, they report.

Garden, forest, river: many natural spaces would be beneficial

Moreover, it is not only parks or gardens that can improve patients’ mental health. The scientists add that aquatic areas such as rivers, lakes, or oceans, and camping, farming, or gardening activities also have very positive effects.All of these different types of outdoor spaces have yielded positive results, highlighting the importance of preserving green spaces in our natural and built environments.“, insisted Joanna Bettmann.

According to the study’s researchers, these results are encouraging for the treatment of people with mental disorders, because exposure to nature is accessible, affordable, and does not require the supervision of health professionals. However, they point out that:exposure to nature is not enough to treat mental illness. “A short walk or camping trip should not necessarily be considered a substitute for other therapeutic or clinical interventions.“, warned Joanna Bettmann. She concludes that “We should instead view time spent in nature as an inexpensive and widely available resource pour support mental health and the general well-being of adults”.

Sources :

  • Nature Exposure, Even as Little as 10 Minutes, is Likely to Yield Short-Term Benefits for Adults with Mental Illness: A Meta Analysis – Ecopsychology – 8 juillet 2024
  • Your therapist wants you to go outside – EurekAlert! – 18 juillet 2024
  • Mental disorders – World Health Organization (WHO)
  • Treatment of Mental Illness – MSD Manual

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Emilie Biechy-Tournade