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Presidential Advisor Leslie Voltaire visits the Multinational Security Support Mission base

  • July 19, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 1

Presidential Advisor Leslie Voltaire visited the Multinational Security Support Mission base this Friday, July 19, 2024. In a publication on X this Friday, Leslie Voltaire said he examined “the security situation and shared the CPT’s concerns regarding the challenges related to insecurity in Haiti.”.

This is the first visit by a member of the Presidential Council of the Transition to the base of the Multinational Security Support Mission since the arrival of the Kenyan contingents. Leslie Voltaire represented the CPT. Accompanied by the Director General of the Haitian National Police, he was able to meet the head of the mission.

During this visit, according to the explanations of the representative of Fanmi Lavalas, it was a question of examining the security situation and sharing the concerns of the CPT concerning the challenges related to insecurity in Haiti. Leslie Voltaire even had breakfast with the agents of the Multinational Security Support Mission.

“In the company of the Director General of the Haitian National Police (PNH), Rameau Normil, I met this Friday, July 19, 2024, with the highest authorities of the Security Support Mission (MSS) in Haiti. Together, we reviewed the security situation and shared the CPT’s concerns regarding the challenges related to insecurity in Haiti. I also took this opportunity to visit the base and have breakfast with the Kenyan soldiers,” wrote Leslie Voltaire on her official channels.

A few days ago, agents of the Multinational Security Support Mission had carried out a demonstration at the bottom of the city. No assessment is yet available. However, exchanges of fire took place with bandits in the vicinity of the Champs de Mars.

By: Daniel Zephyr

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Gazette Haiti