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Meeting: For power, Claude Joseph and Garry Conille almost fought

  • July 20, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 1

During a meeting held at the private residence of presidential advisor Louis Gérald Gilles, EDE party leader Claude Joseph and Prime Minister Garry Conille had a heated verbal altercation.

Filthy language exchanged. Mutual insults. The current Prime Minister and the former Prime Minister called each other all sorts of names, and even nearly fought.

“The agreement of December 21 was represented by Kénol Mathieu and Councilor Louis Gérald Gilles; Claude Joseph and Councilor Smith Augustin represented the EDE-RED and Compromis sector; Jean-Charles Moïse and Councilor Emmanuel Vertilaire for the Pitit Dessalines sector,” can be read in the columns of the newspaper Le Nouvelliste, quoting one of the participants in this meeting.

“Everything went to hell when Claude Joseph expressed his disagreements and frustrations, which were poorly received by the Prime Minister. The tone quickly rose between the two men…”

The altercation between Garry Conille and Claude Joseph was simply verbal, according to our source, regretting the exchange of bad words between the two men. Words that the newspaper refrains from reproducing. Words that do not honor the mothers of the two men.

“In a very high tone, Claude Joseph told Garry Conille that he had become Prime Minister thanks to political actors like him. He also informed him that his behavior could cost him his position as head of government. Claude Joseph told him ”m ap FOUT voye w ale”. Statements that Garry Conille did not appreciate. He replied with unkind words,” according to the old daily.

The newspaper’s contacts report that the Prime Minister told Claude Joseph that: “If we can, see me in the Primate’s house, if we can… He also said that no one can intimidate him and that he will not accept pressure from anyone.”

Jenny Toussaint

Jenny Toussaint

Lawyer & Journalist Hebdo24 / 📩: [email protected] / Follow me on X: @jennyhebdo24

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