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US Presidential Election: Joe Biden Withdraws His Candidacy and Supports His Vice President

  • July 21, 2024
  • 5 Min
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Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden | © X by Joe Biden

US President Joe Biden confirmed on Sunday, July 21, 2024, his withdrawal from the race for the White House. On his X account, the 81-year-old President specified that his decision was made in the interest of the “Party” and the country. He therefore announced that he would support Vice President Kamala Harris if she were to be a candidate.

THE HAITI FACTOR, July 21, 2024._Joe Biden is no longer a candidate for re-election in the November 2024 US presidential election.

After the televised debate on June 27, 2024 against Donald Trump, which many described as “catastrophic” and which raised doubts about his ability to assume a new mandate, he withdrew from the race.

It was the person concerned himself who made the announcement on Sunday July 21, 2024, on his X account, specifying that “his decision is taken in the interest of the Democratic Party and the country.”

US presidential election: Joe Biden renounces his candidacy and supports his vice-president
US President Joe Biden | © CNN

After withdrawing his candidacy, he said he supported his vice-president Kamala Harris, whom he thanked, calling her “an extraordinary partner.”

Should Democrats choose their vice president, she is the favorite to challenge Republican nominee former President Donald Trump on Nov. 4, 2024, in a no-holds-barred showdown.

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US presidential election: Joe Biden renounces his candidacy and supports his vice-president
Kamala Harris US Vice President | © CNN

However, Donald Trump believed that it would be easier for him to beat Kamala Harris than Biden, if she were to be the Democratic candidate.

The news of Joe Biden’s withdrawal is good for Donald Trump, who took advantage of it to openly attack the White House tenant.

US presidential election: Joe Biden renounces his candidacy and supports his vice-president
Donald Trump surrounded by his bodyguards during the armed attack in Pennsylvania | © CNN

“He (Joe Biden) was not fit and he never was,” Donald Trump commented.

On his social network “Truth”, the billionaire hammered home the point by stating that Biden never had the capacity to be President. “We will suffer a lot from his presidency, but we will repair its damage very quickly” he wrote while advocating “Make America Great Again”.


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