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Polyphony of Power: Listening Beyond the Flattery

  • July 21, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 1

In the dark room where destinies are played out, a solitary dancer, enamored of finery and flattery, places floral offerings at the foot of the altar of power. Each petal is a promise, each perfume an allegiance. He courts with ardent insistence, caressing the air with sweet illusions, imagining himself the sole master of reigning hearts.

Yet in the darkest corners of this scene, a persistent voice rises – a clear and discordant timbre in the chorus of self-satisfaction. It is the independent press, which brandishes not flowers but dossiers loaded with hard truths. It criticizes, it denounces, it disturbs the tranquility of the powerful.

This court dancer believes he is deceiving the assembly, thinking that his bouquets hide the cracks and flaws. But a wise sovereign, a true leader, does not let himself be seduced by the simple caress of self-satisfaction. He listens – out of necessity, out of wisdom – to the dissonances of those who dare to speak of reforms and flaws. These criticisms, these denunciations, are not signs of distrust, but invitations to excellence, to rectitude..

History, a patient observer, knows well that the most solid buildings are built by listening to criticism as much as to praise. The sovereign who neglects this polyphony, who chooses the false harmony of flattery, is lost on a path paved with ephemeral illusions.

So, in the complex dance between power and truth, the wise man knows that the most faithful echo is not always the one who sings his praises, but often the one who, in the shadows, dares to speak of change. Loud and clear.


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Rezo Nodwes