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Haiti – Politics: An American delegation expected this Monday in Haiti

  • July 22, 2024
  • 3 Min
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Haiti – Politics: An American delegation expected this Monday in Haiti
22/07/2024 09:14:07

This Monday, July 22, 2024, an American delegation led by Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, is expected in Haiti.

Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield will make two “major announcements during her trip to support efforts to respond to the security and humanitarian emergency.”

According to United Nations Spokesperson Nate Evans, during her stay in Haiti Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield will review the security situation and underscore the United States’ commitment to supporting the renewal of the democratic process in Haiti.

It will also highlight the work needed to help the Haitian people build a more peaceful and prosperous future.

Thomas-Greenfield will hold meetings with senior Haitian officials, including the Presidential Transitional Council and Prime Minister Garry Conille.

Finally, the Ambassador will visit the Multinational Security Support Mission (MMSS) base to see first-hand the training, equipment and support available to the mission personnel and the Haitian National Police (PNH) who work alongside them.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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