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The Minister for Women’s Affairs denounces an atrocious crime in Lascahobas

  • July 23, 2024
  • 2 Min
  • 1

The Minister for the Status of Women and Women’s Rights (MCFDF), Marie Françoise Suzan, strongly condemns the rape and murder of Leica Domont, 13, which occurred on July 17 in Lascahobas. The young girl, a victim of a gang rape, was murdered, then her body was thrown into a hole by her stepfather and another individual, according to witnesses.

The minister expressed her deep sadness and indignation, committing to collaborate with the judicial authorities to obtain justice for the deceased. She recalled that such acts are in total contradiction with Haiti’s international commitments, such as the Convention of Belém do Pará.

Ms. Suzan reaffirmed her commitment to combating violence against women and girls, calling on the population to denounce the aggressors so that they can be held accountable for their actions before the courts. The Minister also offered her condolences to the victim’s family and promised to closely monitor the progress of the case to ensure justice and reparation.

Mackenson PHANOR, A Featured…

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