Written on 22/07/2024

Did you know that the air inside your home can be up to five times more polluted than outside air?

Fortunately, nature offers us a simple solution and elegant to this problem: plants with remarkable depolluting properties.

Far from being rare or exotic, these depolluting plants are often found before our eyes.

They are part of our daily lives, present in nos houses, nos gardens or even our offices.

Indoor pollutants: an invisible threat

Formaldehyde, benzene, xylene… our indoor air is filled with harmful pollutants from furniture, household products, paints and even some electronic devices. These pollutants can cause problems respiratory problems, allergies, headaches, and even cancer.

Do air-purifying plants exist?

Air-purifying plants have the ability to absorb and neutralize these air pollutants. They act as natural filters which thus improve the quality of the air we breathe.

There are many plants that can help purify your indoor air.

Here are some of the most effective ones:

Aloe Vera

This succulent plant is known for its properties soothing for the skinbut it is also very effective in eliminating the formaldehyde et benzene from the air.

Chlorophytum (spider plant)

This hardy plant is easy to care for and adapts to a variety of conditions. It is particularly effective for eliminate carbon monoxide et xylene.

Spathiphyllum (moon flower)

This elegant plant blooms with beautiful white flowers and purifies the air of benzeneof formaldehyde a you trichloroethylene.

The Ficus robusta

This large-leaved plant is an excellent choice for the large rooms. It eliminates the formaldehydethe benzene and the xylene.

The Hedera Ivy

This climbing plant is perfect for hanging baskets or trellises. It is very effective in eliminating the benzene and the formaldehyde.

Air purifying plants bring an original touch to your interior decoration and benefits for your health.

Anya El Hamdaoui

Passionate about journalistic writing, I am constantly looking for the most captivating angle for each project. My articles correspond to the main traits of my personality: the curiosity essential to researching subjects as well as the determination necessary for investigation.

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