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A plane hit by automatic weapons fire at Toussaint Louverture International Airport

  • February 29, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 39

A plane and airport buildings hit by automatic weapons fire.

In Port-au-Prince, no one is safe from stray bullets from armed individuals sowing terror. This Thursday, February 29, 2024, the cabin of a plane flying from Haiti to Cuba was hit by automatic weapons fire. The buildings of theToussaint Louverture International Airport and the Guy Malary terminal were not spared. This wind of panic which has been blowing since Thursday morning in the metropolitan area of ​​Port-au-Prince is forcing officials to cancel all flights to and from the United States.

Indeed, images show a plane landing on the tarmac at Toussaint Louverture international airport whose cabin was hit by a projectile. According to the latest information, the plane was preparing to fly to Cuba. An incident that prompted airport officials to cancel all domestic flights and those to and from the United States in order to protect passengers.

Loud bangs were heard by employees of the Toussaint Louverture international airport and the Guy Malary terminal. Projectiles hit the windows of the airport buildings. This situation caused a wave of panic among employees and passengers who were within these buildings. Some even launched SOS messages with the idea of ​​getting help.

A wind of panic has reigned since Thursday morning in the metropolitan region of Port-au-Prince. In several areas including Bel-Air, Champ de Mars, Marché Salomon, Tabarre, lower Delmas and Plaine, automatic weapons fire is heard.

A situation which aroused fear among the population. In downtown Port-au-Prince, several schools asked students to leave, while some parents rushed to pick up their children.

A plane hit by automatic weapons fire at Toussaint Louverture international airport

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