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A political order!

  • February 21, 2024
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Investigating judge Walther Wesser Voltaire finally made public on February 19, 2024 his 122-page order, on the investigation of the assassination case, on Wednesday July 7, 2021, of former president Jovenel Moïse.

Investigating judge Walther Wesser Voltaire finally made public on February 19, 2024 his 122-page order, on the investigation of the assassination case, on Wednesday July 7, 2021, of former president Jovenel Moïse.

This order, made in the image of the corruption that is plaguing the country, is riddled with lies and reveals how stinking Haitian justice is. Was this order which indicted 51 people made by the judge or specifically by Ariel Henry? This is undoubtedly the most serious corruption scandal in the country’s history, thus trivializing the villainous assassination of a sitting president.

This entire setup is in complicity with the American administration of Joe Biden, because the order did not indicate any leads that could even suspect the intellectual authors and co-authors of this criminal crime.

Reginald Boulos

This is proof by four, it would seem that Judge Voltaire was well paid to produce such a charade in order to make a mockery of Haitian society. As the judge does not respect himself, he took everyone for imbeciles, ignorant. He wanted us to believe that the man named Ariel Henry had nothing to do with this assassination case. It’s a way of declaring him innocent, he who has just committed another crime by condoning the assassination of 5 BSAP agents and immediately stealing the corpses to bury them on the sly in a mass grave.

By this order to create confusion, we see much more clearly in this assassination plot. As attempts are made to hide the truth, the hands of certain officials within the government and those of the guardian powers appear more like the main criminal forces.

By this order, the country appeared as a den of terrorists since the judge put everyone in the world in the same bag. But he knows what he did, he took care not to involve his benefactor Ariel Henry, former Prime Minister, who is currently kidnapping the Prime Minister with weapons in hand.

Ariel Henry

The intelligent judge in Haitian language did not dare to question where the funding for this heinous crime comes from? He neither traced nor heard from any of the conspirators denounced by public outcry. Especially the oligarchs of the patriotic bourgeoisie who had great disagreements with the president over questions of juicy cut contracts and repayment of large sums of money borrowed from the ONA.

Where have the sponsors gone, investigating judge? As such, there is in fact an individual who a week before the crime had left the country and since then he has not returned. It is in fact Réginald Boulos, this trader who is accustomed to buying everything including judges, lawyers, government commissioners and even police officers at the Central Directorate of the Judicial Police.

In fact, in the cohort of names of alleged culprits referred to the criminal court for trial, there are some who are largely absent, who are undoubtedly very guilty. We can cite among others Michel Martelly, Ariel Henry, Reginald Boulos, and Dimitri Vorbe.

Michel Martelly

Through this order, which is nothing but an insult to the nation, it is clear that corruption has taken root in the country like a veritable anthill and is spreading in all areas of society without stopping, contaminating and corrupting the last enclaves of integrity.

This order has nothing to do with a court decision, but is indeed a well-oiled political verdict, decided in high places by international bandits to redeem themselves. This plot not only has the criminal hands of the Colombian forces but also those of Washington, the Dominican Republic and many others.

Dimitri Speaks

For the edification of our readers, we publish the list of the alleged defendants tried on the facts of criminal conspiracy, armed robbery, terrorism, assassination and complicity in assassination, crimes committed to the detriment of His Excellency Jovenel MOÏSE.

1) Victor Albeiro Pineda CARDONA;

2) Alejandro Giraldo ZAPATA;

3) Manuel Antonio GROSS ;

4) John Jairo Ramirez GOMEZ ;

5) Jhon Jader Andela

6) Neil Caceres DURAN,

7) Francisco Eladio Uribe OCHOA;

8) Alex Miyer PEŇA ;

9) Jheyner Alberto Carmona FLORES;

10) Enalber Vargas GOMEZ;

11) Angel Mario Yarce SIERRA ;

12) Naiser Franco CASTAŇEDA;

13) John Jairo SUARES ALEGRIA, ;

14) Carlos Giovanni Guerrero TORRES;

15) Edwin Enrique Blanquicet RODRIGUEZ;

16) Juan Carlos Yepes CLAVIJO;

17) Gersain Mendivelso JAIMES ;

18) Christian Emmanuel SANON,

19) Joseph VINCENT ;

20) James SOLAGE ;

21) Jean Laguel CIVIL ;

22) Joseph Felix BADIO;

23) Dimitri HERARD ;

24) Léon CHARLES;

25) Claude JOSEPH ;

26) Jacques SINCERE;

27) Marie Étienne Martine Joseph MOЇSE;

28) Renald LUBERICE;

29) Ardouin ZÉPHIRIN;

30) Louis Edner Gonzague DAY ;

31) Francis CINEUS ;

32) Miradieu FAUSTIN;

33) Ashkard-Joseph PETER ;

34) Jeantel JOSEPH;

35) Gordon Phénil DÉSIR ;

36) Emmanuel LOUIS;

37) Bony GRÉGOIRE;

38) Hubert JEANTY ;

39) Marky KESSA ;

40) William MOЇSE ;

41) Clifton HYPPOLITE ;


43) Rony FRANÇOIS;

44) Ronald GUERRIER ;

45) Cléantis LOUISSAINT;

46) Sadrac ALPHONSE ;

47) Ernst GERMAIN ;

48) Jude LAURENT ;

49) Frantz LOUIS ;

50) Faneck DELICATE;

51) Arly JEAN.

It is obvious that this ordinance is a leaflet to restore the maligned government, nothing it contains inspires confidence and truth.

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Marie Laurette Numa