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A second case of avian flu in humans linked to an epidemic in cows detected in the United States

  • May 23, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 12

Less than two months after the announcement of a first case of bird flu in Texas, in the southern United States, health authorities indicated on Wednesday that a second person had been infected. This person worked on a farm where H5N1 had already contaminated livestock.

Last April, the World Health Organization (WHO), had expressed his “huge concern”, faced with the increase in the number of mammals affected by Avian Flu H5N1, as well as its lethality level, of 52%. Indeed, the president of the Committee for Monitoring and Anticipation of Health Risks (COVARS), Brigitte Autran, had declared to Franceinfo be particularly worried, because according to her, “the fact that the virus passes to mammals means that the virus will adapt to humans, because we are a species of mammal, so there is a risk that there will be transmission to humans”. This Wednesday, May 22, health authorities announced the infection with avian flu H5N1 of a person working on a farm in the state of Michigan.

Second case of bird flu detected in the United States

This second person infected with bird flu was monitored due to his occupational exposure to infected cattle, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “A nasal swab tested negative for the flu virus at the state health department laboratory, while an eye swab was sent to the CDC for analysis, which confirmed flu infection avian”, reports ABC News in a recent article.

This is the second case of bird flu detected in the United States. Indeed, a first case was discovered in Texas, in the south of the United States, on April 1. The two infected people only had eye symptoms, as explained by the CDC. A risk for the population which nevertheless remains “weak” according to health authorities.

No cases of human-to-human transmission at this time

In the United States, cattle herds in at least nine states are affected by this epidemic, with the first report dating from March 25. According to the CDC, it is important that people exposed to sick or potentially infected animals take precautionary measures. This is why these people should avoid “any unprotected exposure to sick or dead animals, but also avoid eat raw foods or undercooked for example”, explain the prevention centers. “It is important to emphasize that so far we have not found any modification of the virus that would make it more contagious to humans or between people”, indicates the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). However, scientists fear that high circulation could facilitate a mutation of the virus that makes this type of transmission possible.

Sources :

  • AFP
  • Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus in Animals: Interim Recommendations for Prevention, Monitoring, and Public Health Investigations – U.S Centers for disease Control and Prevention
  • 2nd human case of bird flu confirmed in Michigan: Health officials – ABC NEWS

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Oceane Letouze