A second coronation for Ronael Pierre Gabriel in Croatia

Photo: Dinamo Zagreb

By: Mythsouka Jean-Philippe

In an intense duel for national supremacy, Dynamo Zagreb triumphed in the second leg of the Croatian Cup final against HNK Rijeka. With a cumulative score of 3-1, Dynamo displayed their power and determination on the pitch, cementing their place in Croatian football history.

The first leg announced a close battle, ending in a draw (0-0). However, in the second leg at HNK Rijeka, Dynamo Zagreb took control of the situation. Despite the opposing team’s fierce defenses, Dynamo managed to win with an impressive score of (3-1), thus sealing their indisputable victory.

A key player in this historic victory was Ronael Pierre Gabriel, the French defender of Haitian origin. Established throughout the game, Gabriel shone on the field, contributing to the defensive solidity of his team and its ability to counter opposing attacks.

This victory marks the tenth (10th) Croatian Cup won by Dynamo Zagreb, strengthening its position as one of the most successful clubs in the country. With this impressive performance, Dynamo sends a clear message to their domestic and international rivals that they are ready to continue to dominate on all fronts.

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