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A takeover so that nothing changes!

  • May 15, 2024
  • 11 Min
  • 22

This is in no way the intention of the weekly Haiti freedom to present herself as a bird of ill omen nor as a bearer of bad news, while others rejoice in joy, even applauding the arrival of the supreme savior, following the landing of American military weapons at the international airport to prepare the deployment of the occupying forces of the Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti (MMAS).

The newspaper, however, has a certain moral and political responsibility to defend, and which is even part of its standard: Justice, Truth, Independence. You need courage, not only to seek the truth but also to propagate it. Under no circumstances, Haiti Liberty cannot hide any truth, even when it hurts and hurts some.

Besides, we do not have a crystal ball to discover like a soothsayer what will happen in the future; but given our experience and thanks to our capacity for analysis based on the class struggle, our points of view on the Haitian political situation have repeatedly proven to be correct and just.

No offense to those who are amazed by the roaring sounds of American plane engines filling their heads with hope that the population will regain its smile of yesteryear. It must be noted that the bourgeoisie today feels prouder and stronger than ever since the majority of these lackeys occupy executive power. One only has to browse the capitalist press and take a look at social media in recent weeks to discover a series of eloquent extracts showing how their visions are totally based on erroneous premises. Their desire to see American-imperialist rule perpetuated instead of being diminished illustrates that most of them are objectively mediocre in the service of their master-bosses.

History shows us once again “ that Haitian politicians should not be judged by their speeches, but by their actions” Now many of them are lost in practices that are contrary to their first words. It is unfortunate to see that these groups: Accord du 21 Décembre, Accord Montana, Fanmi Lavalas, Pitit Dessalines, Collectif du 30 Janvier, PHTK, EDE/RED have united to share the country’s cake. The adoption of such a united front amalgam implies that these organizations renounce their autonomy, their program and their action to only serve the imperialist cause.

Regarding the United States of America, if it continues to support totally discredited leaders and the development of an unprecedented crisis in Haiti, it is to fight the majority of the population demanding radical change both in the form of government as well as the content of policy towards society. In reality, they evoke the pretext of gangs to take responsibility for the malaise caused by the system of predation. The promotion of this new occupation is to mask the plot that they first hatched and then directed against the mass movement in order to perpetuate the socio-political catastrophe in which the population is plunged.

The announced military deployment, like all the others previously, will not disrupt anything, or even change the vision and behavior of imperialism in Haiti.

We must learn lessons from the Minustah (United Nations Mission for Stability in Haiti) which has indeed accomplished its function. Its main objective was to carry out all the transformations imagined in a neoliberal logic to eliminate any possibility of pride, dignity and national sovereignty of Haiti. This umpteenth mission will obey the same logic and will complement to the letter the gigantic plan of perpetual aggression to better enslave us. It became imperative to find a way that would distract the masses from the real problems. These new acrobatics can only hide the demagoguery of the ruling classes and the bourgeoisie who had placed all their hopes and continued with the same intention of banking on the capitalist system under the fallacious pretext of reforming the country.

The question now is whether we are dealing with a process of radical change or of a superficial character. We know the answer. Imperialism would never bring within its bosom a change which would be in the interest of the working masses. It would be naive to believe that imperialism could be a catalyst for change in a country that it politically controls. On the contrary, its goal everywhere is the continuation of the disorganization of peoples by producing chaos. In the case of Haiti, the role of imperialism has always been and will remain: excessive destabilization. We are in continuity. The status quo! And it is not by chance that the essential program of the CPT (Transitional Presidential Council) is to organize elections, because the real motive is to regenerate the mechanisms of reproduction of the system of predation. Obviously, such an approach hardly rhymes with an improvement in the living conditions of the popular masses.

In the current crisis, imperialism has simply changed its tactics. One thing is certain, we cannot say that he is the main enemy of one current and the privileged friend of another, since he put all these crabs of Haitian political politics in the same bag to demean them as gravediggers. The only difference, however, is that it only presents the goods in new packaging. He sacrificed the accessory while preserving the essential since he continues without fail to dominate the Haitian political class. Certainly, the modalities have changed, but basically all the fundamental structural bases of domination remain intact.

It is up to the conscious and consistent masses, particularly those who struggle to thwart all the maneuvers of the imperialist forces, to understand that this political class, this elite who gesticulate emptyly, resigned and cynical after having served the imperial cause, must not rehabilitate them. These individuals are only authentic accomplices, local, reactionary lackeys from political parties and social organizations to be rejected, to be burned like toxic ingredients harmful to the health and progress of the country. Make no mistake, nothing is going to change in Haiti with this new imperialist alliance around the United States of America with its MMAS. The nature of imperialism is invariable. Unless the people, through constant struggle, force, demand and impose this great fundamental change.

It will be through the permanent action of the organized masses, raised against neo-colonialism, the occupation, exploitation and pillaging of which the country is the victim that the Revolution will take place for the real and true change of which the Haitian people dream.

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Berthony Dupont