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A third of Internet users experience at least one harmful effect from screens, according to INSEE: here are the most common

  • June 13, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 8

Smartphones, televisions, computers, touch tablets… So many everyday objects that we find in professional and personal life. Faced with the omnipresence of these digital tools in everyday life, research is increasing to define their effects on health. Last April, an Ifop barometer for the Children’s Foundation, relayed by Current wifenoted that “71% of parents report negative repercussions of exposure to screens on their child’s behavior.”

This June 13, INSEE publishes a survey to determine the harmful effects screens on users. They noted that in 2023 “a third of Internet users experience at least one harmful effect from screens”. These results come from data from the annual household survey on information and communication technologies (TIC Households).

A quarter of Internet users say they reduce their sleep time due to screens

For the year 2023, INSEE notes that 34% of Internet users aged 15 to 74 report at least one harmful effect linked to the use of screens in everyday life. This is “free” time, that is to say outside of time devoted to work or studies. The proportion differs depending on age. Indeed, INSEE notes that “the youngest are particularly concerned”. In total, more than one in two young people under 20 (57%) say they have felt at least one negative effect compared to 49% among 20-34 year olds.

Among the harmful effects, the authors note that “those under 30 limit their sleeping time than the others”. Indeed, INSEE points out that “37% of 15-19 year olds say they limit their sleep time at least once a week to stay on screens, compared to 25% among all Internet users. Among people aged 20 to 29, this rate rises to 43% before falling for other age groups. (34% for 30-34 year olds, 17% for 50-64 year olds, 10% for 65-74 year olds).

Other consequences of screens on Internet users are the time spent on other activities. Indeed, on this point, “those under 25 favor screens over leisure activities more often than others”. This concerns 18% of 20-24 year olds, 15% of 15-19 year olds and 13% of 25-29 year olds.

Here is the list of the harmful effects most felt by Internet users in 2023:

  • reduced sleep time (25 %) ;
  • neglecting other leisure activities (10%);
  • feelings of obsession with screens (9%);
  • conflicts with those around them due to screens (5%);
  • sentiment of depression (4%).

35% of Internet users say they have already tried to limit their use of screens”, underlines INSEE

Faced with these harmful effects, Internet users have tried to reduce the time spent on a screen. According to INSEE, “35% of Internet users say they have already tried to limit their use of screens”. In detail, we note that one in two young people under 30 say they have tried to limit their screen consumption during “everyday life”. A data which can be explained by the time spent on screens. Indeed, “one in three Internet users under 30 say they spend more than 6 hours a day in front of screens on weekends, compared to one in ten Internet users over 45.”

But Internet users recognize difficulties facing this digital withdrawal. “Among all the people who try to limit their use of screens, 7% say they have not succeeded,” underlines INSEE. The latter specify that “the failure rate is higher for those under 20 (10%) and 25-29 (9%) than for other age groups”.

Source :

  • INSEE Focus n°329 “In 2023, a third of Internet users will feel at least one harmful effect from screens”
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Louis Tardy