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After breast cancer, this activity could reduce inflammation and insomnia

  • July 1, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 5

“No cancer you be is the most common cancer in France”, writes Public Health France. On average, there are 60,000 new cases per year and 12,000 deaths during this period. Detected early, the chances of remission are high. We speak of remission following the disappearance of signs and symptoms.

But even in remission, many women suffer of insomniabut also inflammatory diseases, increasing the risks of cancer or relapses. It is to limit them that researchers from the University of California in Los Angeles, in the United States, have looked into the benefits of tai chi. Experts found that tai chi and cognitive behavioral therapy could reduce insomnia and reduce inflammation. Their findings are published in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity.

Inflammation and insomnia increase risk of death

To arrive at these results, the researchers relied on a panel of 90 people who had survived breast cancer. 45 of them took tai chi classes for 3 months, while 45 followed cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I). As a reminder, tai chi chuan, or simply tai chi, is a martial art where the slowness of movements is the basis of the discipline. It promotes awareness of each gesture, breathingrelaxation and well-being.

The participants were followed for a period of 15 months. The researchers analyzed blood samples allowing them to study certain blood markers characteristic of inflammation. The researchers note that “Chronic inflammation is estimated to contribute to more than 50% of all deaths worldwide, due to inflammation-related diseases, including cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome”. As for insomnia, the authors specify that it increases the risk of inflammatory diseases and all-cause mortality.

Tai Chi May Limit Inflammation and Insomnia

The researchers found that after a 15-month period, participants who practiced tai chi had “greater and more sustained decreases in systemic and cellular inflammation.” But researchers note that “Cognitive behavioral therapy preferentially improves antiviral viral immunity or resistance to infectious diseases”.

According to researchers, these treatments could help reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence in people who have survived the disease. In a statement, Dr. Michael Irwin, director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center at UCLA Health, said that a “Effective treatment of insomnia has powerful effects on the immune system.”

The researchers note that the “Tai Chi can effectively help breast cancer survivors stay healthy, without costing the health care system much.” In the statement, the Dr Michael Irwin I feel that “Tai chi can be easily offered in community settings, at minimal cost, and can treat insomnia in adults, older adults, and cancer survivors.”

Overall, studies have already shown in the past that practicing regular physical activity reduces the risk of recurrence after breast cancer. In this previous article we listed the most suitable sports.

Sources :

  • Tai Chi compared with cognitive behavioral therapy and the reversal of systemic, cellular and genomic markers of inflammation in breast cancer survivors with insomnia: A randomized clinical trial – Brain, Behavior, and Immunity.
  • Tai chi reduces risk of inflammatory disease, treats insomnia among breast cancer survivors – UCLA Health (26/06/2024)
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Louis Tardy