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American elected officials present a US 50 billion plan for the development of Haiti

  • May 18, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 13

The day before the celebration of the Haitian bicolor, Friday May 17, 2024, US Representative Jan Schakowsky and the co-chairs of the Haitian caucus, US Representatives Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick and Yvette Clarke, presented a groundbreaking resolution aimed at establishing the plan for Louverture investment.

Named in honor of the famous Haitian independence leader, Toussaint Louverture, this plan is a 10 billion dollar development program over 50 years aimed at rebuilding Haiti to stabilize the country, strengthen democratic and judicial institutions, invest in essential infrastructure, stimulate economic growth and improve opportunities for women and youth to ensure the well-being of the Haitian people. This resolution precedes the 221st anniversary on May 18 of the adoption of the Haitian flag.

“Between political unrest engulfing Port-au-Prince, a shortage of food supplies, devastating earthquakes and a surge in violence, Haitians are facing an unprecedented crisis. The United States must provide thoughtful and meaningful assistance to its close Caribbean neighbor,” said Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky.

“That’s why I’m introducing a resolution with Haitian Caucus Co-Chairs, Reps. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick and Yvette Clarke, calling for the implementation of the Louverture Investment Plan – a $10 billion development program over 50 years to rebuild Haiti. I have visited Haiti many times over the years and have seen first-hand the remarkable resilience that the Haitian people have shown in the face of devastation. Decades of tragic experience have taught us that all efforts to help Haiti recover must be led by the Haitian people and democratically chosen Haitian leaders. Through this resolution, we can empower Haiti to develop and implement a peaceful and prosperous plan for its future. We are working closely with many Haitian-American leaders, including some from the Illinois 9th Congressional District, to pass this resolution,” she said.

For these American elected officials, it is undeniable that Haiti has made a significant contribution to the fight for freedom and democracy in the world. “Unfortunately, instability and the current humanitarian crisis have led to devastating famine, violence and poverty. The importance of U.S. support for Haiti cannot be understated,” said Congresswoman Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick.

“As Co-Chair of the Haiti House of Representatives Caucus, I am proud to introduce a resolution alongside Rep. Jan Schakowsky and my fellow Haiti Caucus Co-Chair, Rep. Yvette Clarke, to call to the implementation of the Louverture investment plan. This ambitious plan would help rebuild Haiti through a $10 billion development program over 50 years,” she explained.



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