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Ariel Henry announces a vote in limbo after the cancellation of the videoconference meeting by the Kenyan authorities

  • February 29, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 31

Following last week’s standoff, where Kenyan ministers leading the Kenya-Haiti talks abruptly pulled out of a video call meeting, the elections now stand in limbo.

De facto Prime Minister Ariel Henry agreed to hold general elections by mid-2025 following the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse on July 7, 2021.

This resolution comes at a critical time as the international community continues to push for the Kenyan police to intervene and restore peace to the country, thereby facilitating the smooth conduct of general elections.

However, following a disagreement last week, when Kenyan ministers leading the Kenya-Haiti negotiations abruptly walked out of a meeting via video call, the elections are now in limbo.

The National Police Service has been at the center of international conversations following President Ruto’s pledge to send forces to help reduce gang-related crimes that have plagued the Central American state.

Prime Minister Ariel also arrived in Kenya on Wednesday, February 29, seeking Ruto’s help to “restore peace to the country and prepare for elections.”

During the meeting with Dr Henry, Ruto said Kenya would continue to partner with Haiti as both nations share the same origin.

“We offer the experience and expertise of our police officers in the Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti, mandated by the United Nations Security Council and guided by our courts,” Ruto said.