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Attacks against the Fr Nau School and the Superior Nmal School, MENFP reacts

  • March 29, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 42

After the attack against the School of Brothers Nau and the School of Normal Superior in the middle of the week, the Ministry of National Education and Professional Training (MENFP), issued a note, yesterday Thursday, March 28, 2024, to condemn all acts of vandalism against schools and universities is the middle pillar of the whole society in forming the citizens.

“The Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (MENFP) denounces and condemns, with all its might, all acts of vandalism that continue to be committed against schools and universities. Attacking schools and universities, destroying archives, burning schools and universities, destroying school and university materials, is to destroy the main members of a society, is to destroy the middle pillar of a house that allows the whole society to stand strong to prepare the future of children and young people and the future the country”, this is what we read in the notes of the State institution that manages the issue of education and professional training in the country.

Where the premises of ENARTS were ransacked and looted in the middle of the week as well, the thugs burned the premises of Fr Nau School and Normal Superior School, an institution that trains our teachers who provide services in public schools and private schools in the country, the minister recalled in his note.

“MENFP is reminding once again ‘There is no country without education, there is no education without schools’. Schools and universities are temples of knowledge and light to help all societies move forward, especially the weaker ones. Thanks to school, all children can achieve their dreams. It’s time for the vandalism to stop on the schools and universities”, this is what the State institution led by economist Nesmy Manigat underlines.

In this sense, the Ministry of National Education launches a call and a cry for everyone to join hands to protect the schools which are the basic institutions to prepare the future of the children, while it takes the opportunity to send its sympathy to all the victims in society and are subjected to this attack and these acts of destruction.

On the other hand, the ministry sends its sympathy to the family of Maurice Antoine, one of the oldest cadres in the ministry, the accountant of the Office of the Secretary of State for Literacy, the bandits killed today, Thursday, March 28.

To finish, MENFP reaffirms it once again “schools must be protected in any circumstance”. “Children’s right to education must be protected at all times”. Schools will not perish. Let’s join hands to save the schools and the children.

For several weeks, the gangs have not stopped multiplying their acts of violence in the metropolitan area of ​​Port-au-Prince, killing people, burning State and private institutions, forcing many people to flee the neighborhood where they lived. According to ONI figures published in its latest report on the situation in Haiti, the institution says that there are 1554 people who died due to gang violence during the first three months of 2024.

Acts of violence also make hospitals unable to function in the region. According to the United Nations Organization for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), only three hospitals are operating in the metropolitan region of Port-au-Prince because of the bandits’ violence in this area since February 29.

These three hospitals are La Paix University Hospital, Ti Plas Cazo Hospital and Elizer Germain Hospital, which are facing great difficulties in providing adequate services to the population in need of care, especially emergency care and those who take brown bullets in various places. during this period.

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