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AWM by T-Jo Zenny highlights Pablo and Melo on the musical scene with the album Apachidiz Volume 1

  • May 20, 2024
  • 7 Min
  • 14

T-Jo Zenny’s Apache World Music label highlights Pablo and Melo on the music scene with the album “Apachidiz Volume 1”

The Apache World Music (AWM) label, led by the visionary artist T-Yo Zennyunveiled his long-awaited musical project on May 10, « Apachidiz Volume 1 ». This album, carried by the promising talent of the duo Pablo and Melo, accompanied by the charismatic vocal lead of Kreyòl La, offers a unique fusion of 14 tracks mixing afrobeat and konpa trends, arousing palpable enthusiasm among fans of Haitian music.

A long-term project

During an interview with Juno7, T-Jo Zenny revealed that this project took about three years of hard work in the studio before it came to fruition. “Both artists spent around three years in the studio”, he clarified, emphasizing the commitment and determination of Pablo and Melo to perfect each piece of the album. This gestation period reflects not only their dedication, but also the importance given to every detail to deliver a unique musical experience.

An innovative merger

« Apachidiz Volume 1 » stands out for its ability to marry the catchy rhythms of afrobeat with the captivating melodies of konpa, creating a fresh and innovative sound. T-Jo Zenny particularly insisted on this merger, explaining that the objective is to promote this album while highlighting the exceptional talents of Pablo and Melo on the Haitian music scene.

Furthermore, the album also benefits from the valuable participation of the musicians of the group Kreyòl La, as well as the expertise of various other artists and musicians, including El Magico, who brought their distinctive touches. This collaboration enriches each track, bringing musical diversity and depth that captivates the listener.

An enthusiastic welcome

The feedback on « Apachidiz Volume 1 » have been extremely positive, as indicated by T-Jo Zenny. “People received the album well. People compliment Pablo and Melo”, he declared, testifying to the warm welcome given by the public. This favorable reception on social networks is a promising sign for the future of the duo and their impact on the music scene.

Videos to accompany the album

To further promote the AWM label, three videos have already been released in previous months, with the promise of a fourth video for the song “Let’s do 2 rounds”, scheduled for the day before Mother’s Day. Another video is also planned to announce the major holidays, providing continued and engaging visibility for fans.

A call for unity and support

T-Jo Zenny launched a call for the community to unite in order to guide young people in the right direction, while encouraging Internet users to stream the music, buy the album and subscribe to the label’s various pages. This initiative aims to strengthen the Haitian musical community and support emerging artists in their careers.

A complete package for artists

The Apache World Music (AWM) label offers a complete environment where artists feel like they are in the deep end. According to T-Jo, AWM provides everything an artist needs to make music, better communicate and promote their project. Artists benefit from quality support, with staff dedicated to promotion, management and production, allowing them to concentrate on their art with complete peace of mind.

With « Apachidiz Volume 1 », T-Jo Zenny and the AWM label once again demonstrate their ability to innovate and elevate Haitian music to a higher level. This album, rich in diversity and creativity, marks an important milestone in the careers of Pablo and Melo, promising to captivate listeners and leave a lasting mark in the music industry.

AWM by T-Jo Zenny highlights Pablo and Melo on the music scene with the album “Apachidiz Volume 1”

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